Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Does Pope Francis Even Believe in Christ?

 Before I begin, let me note for those new here that I am not Roman Catholic.  I am actually a confessing Lutheran, though Luther actually wanted churches not to be called by his name, but to call them Evangelical Catholic.  I also want to distance myself from those in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) because these days one doesn't know which god one may encounter there.  Also, I should note that if anyone reading this is stuck in an ELCA church because they think they can change it from inside, realize that your synod has been hijacked by Lucifer.  You cannot change it at this point.  All you can do is run to your nearest Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) for your salvation and sanity.

So, the current occupant of the see of Rome, Pope Francis, in a recent trip to Singapore, declared that all religions are paths to God.  This directly contradicts Jesus, who said in John 14, verse 6:

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Jesus here makes an exclusive claim that no one can join with others in heaven unless in this life they are baptized and believe. The Christian church has proclaimed this fundamental teaching for 2100 years.  Many Catholic news sources and podcasters immediately broadcast the news and the outrage.  It hasn't made much of a dent in the mainstream media, though that may be because of the presidential election issues.  

 I have asked on many occasions since Pope Francis was elected to be Bishop of Rome, "Is the pope Catholic?" Now I have to also ask, "Is the pope even Christian?" Or is he leading Roman Catholics into what has often been predicted as a One World Religion to go along with the One World Government?"  Does the Pope believe the teachings of the Church or not?  If not, shouldn't he resign?

I clearly have no special insight into the heart of Pope Francis, nor any special knowledge of the inner workings of the Vatican. But to my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, I suggest you consider running to the nearest LCMS church near you to receive the true Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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