Friday, September 20, 2024

Harris Wants to Send Law Enforcement To Your Door

 Harris has been saying that she too is a gun owner, just like you.  Except, if she is, she has some pretty odd ways of proving it.  For example, according to Olivia Murray at the American Thinker Old footage reveals that Kamala Harris intends to barge into our homes to see how we store our firearms.

Kamala Harris brings a whole new energy to the nanny state, further evidenced by a damning new video making the rounds on social media which shows a younger Harris standing next to Gavin Newsom, announcing that even if someone is in “legal” possession of a firearm (and yes, she used air quotes around “legal”) in the “sanctity” of their own locked home, it doesn’t mean Big Brother’s evil next-of-kin Momala won’t be showing up unannounced to conduct surprise warrantless searches (and maybe some seizures!) if she finds that we’re not being “responsible” or “safe” in the way we exercise our right to self defense in the context of keeping and bearing arms.

And Murray has the receipts. You can watch Harris say exactly that at the embedded post. Further, this is not just a 2nd Amendment issue, as Murray lists a series of other rights that can be violated similarly. The idea being proposed is dangerous to all our rights. We already have a surveilance state, and this dials the surveilance up to 11.

Just because you “legally” possess the deed to your home, doesn’t mean we won’t be barging in to make sure you’re not using a gas stove or an incandescent light bulb—that would be irresponsible.
Just because you “legally” have the title to your car, doesn’t mean we won’t be making sure it’s an E.V. and not a combustion engine—the $cience is settled and everyone knows “fossil fuels” are not a “responsible” source of energy.
Just because you “legally” have a right to practice your Christian faith, doesn’t mean we won’t be paying y’all a visit in church to make sure you’re not engaging in “hate speech” or encouraging racist values like traditional marriage, a hierarchy between the sexes, personal responsibility, God’s government is the only legitimate one with real authority, and being fruitful and having lots of babies—this is very threatening to the progressive LGBTQers, and doesn’t make them feel very “safe.”
Just because that’s “legally” your money in the bank, doesn’t mean we won’t be surveilling you to make sure you’re not purchasing anything you shouldn’t be like ammunition, too much red meat, homeschool materials—again, irresponsible. (Of course this is debatable since these Federal Reserve notes do in fact belong to the Federal Reserve private bank, but you get the point.)

Please read Murray's post. You won't find this in the mainstream press. You're welcome!

Update: At Katie Pavlich has a piece on the same topice entitled Kamala's Latest Stomach Churning Fakery, in which she casts doubt that Harris is a gun owner.

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