Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Perhaps We Should Practice 'Agape' Rather Than Fake Empathy

Election season goes into overtime after Labor Day, and I cannot wait for it to be over.  One of the Democrats' great talking points is how much they care and empathize with the marginalized, the poor, the working man etc.  Reading the Bible puts one in mind of the old idea of tough love.  We, living in a Rousseauean world have come to know only one kind of love.  But the Greeks recognized love on many levels, one of which was "agape" (pronounced ag-ah'-pay) Agape was the sort of love that God had for his people, a love that sometimes punished wrong-doers to correct them for their own good.  If government is to fulfill St. Paul's notion of being God's representative on earth, then it must also fulfill agape, not fake empathy.

Yesterday, at the American Thinker Jack Hellner had a post entitled Debunking the bleeding heart of Democrats lie in which he points out that time and time again, the supposedly compassionate Democrat policies actually rain ruin and misery on the population. Oh, these policies sound good in the Democrats' telling, but they are not good for the people.  Instead, they are merely pandering to the people to get them to vote for the Democrats, while planning to do something else.

Here are a few examples, of many examples given by Hellner, and which I urge you to go read for yourselves. Helner is getting really fired up by this point in his post:

Democrats claim they care deeply about the environment, but Biden and Harris have barely recognized the environmental catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio. Those people are clearly disposable. Democrats are too busy destroying the economy with the theoretical climate crisis which is based on computer models. They don’t care about all the birds and bats killed by wind turbines, and the obliteration of marine life when these machines break offshore.
Democrats have no empathy for newborn babies born in botched abortions. They don’t even believe these little ones deserve health care.
They have no empathy for the workers at crisis pregnancy centers when their facility is vandalized and destroyed. They hate freedom of choice for poor pregnant women.
Democrats pretend they care about children, but they were willing to destroy children by keeping them out of school based on lies from Anthony Fauci and others.
It is not empathetic when a president dictatorially and unconstitutionally pays off student loans; it is theft from taxpayers and bribery for votes.

I saw the Harris ad again last night where young women, girls really, were telling us how the other candidate had taken away their "rights" and didn't care about them. I again said to the TV that the reason I am voting for the other candidate is because in fact I DO care about them. Sure, the easy thing is to give in and tell them "Go ahead and do what feels good, and then have an abortion." It seems like an easy fix. But it turns out it is not and will harm both the mother and the child. God's commandments are there not to restrict you, but to give you abundant life. Perhaps we would do well to practice some agape when we vote instead of fake empathy.

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