Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nordyke vs. King Rules in Favor of the 2nd Amendment

I am a little slow getting around to the topic of Nordyke vs. King, a Second Amendment case coming out of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Meredith Turney has a article summarizing it here. Attorney David T. Hardy of the blog Of Arms and the Law had a posting early on here. David Codrea's Nation Gun Rights Examiner had a article here. Whether it is a genuinely held belief, an aberrant ruling in which they just happened this time to respect the law, or they looked at the mood of the country and decided this one needed to go to the conservatives, they have actually ruled that the Second Amendment binds States as well as the Federal Government, using the 14th Amendment. This is a win for the good guys. But though we have won this battle, it hardly means the war is over.

I am not a lawyer, or a legal scholar, so I will let others talk about the details. But as I understand it, this is huge. This will likely affect the incorporation case filed in Chicago. If so, more of America may become what one wag has called "American occupied America."

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