Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Telling Truth to Power

I have always appreciated the power of cartoons to tell us the truth. Such is this one from Michael Ramirez on Townhall.com today. Of course Nancy Pelosi is fibbing at best, but will be allowed to get away with it. Why?

Meanwhile, Thomas Sowell tells us the truth in words in Survival Optional. A quote to whet your appetite:

Those who choose to live outside those laws, whether terrorists or pirates, can be-- and have been-- shot on sight. Squeamishness is neither law nor morality. And moral exhibitionism is beneath contempt, when it sacrifices the safety of those who live within the law for the sake of self-satisfied preening, whether in editorial offices or in the White House.
But those trying to make innocent victims out of wretched terrorists will get away with it. Why?

Oh, here's Sandy Rios to tell us why, in a piece entitled "The American Left Attempts A Bloodless Coup."

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