Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama Sneaks into Socialism, and Nobody Notices

Finally, for today, Dick Morris and Eileen McGann tell us what the Administration of The One is up to in Obama's Stealth Leap to Socialism. Morris and McGann also explain what this means in practical terms. It means that the Government will control a significant part of the economy. What it could mean in the future, for example, might be that some disfavored companies might not be able to get loans to cover short term cash flow problems.

Say, a construction company has won a bid, and now must procure materials toward that job. Normally, they would seek out a loan to cover the cost of those materials pending being paid for their inclusion in the job. But, say the contractor had not supported the correct party in the last election. You can see how this could turn out.

Or, let's say an ammunition manufacturer had the opportunity to acquire large quantities brass at a substantial discount over current world prices. But they need a loan to make the purchase. The purchase would give them a substantial advantage over other manufacturers, but making ammunition is not politically correct. Is it possible that they might not receive a loan because of this?

Needless to say, the possibilities for corruption are endless, and Unconstitutional as well. We need the ACLU to start a new campaign called "Separation of Business and State." If they are half as good at promoting this one as they are at the "Separation of Church and State" we should have the socialists routed in no time. Meanwhile, I continue to weep for my country.

Update: I had the comments section routed through a different mechanism. The result was that comments never showed up here. I have returned the comments to the normal mode, and so they should now show up. I am especially disheartened because 1) the other program seemed to offer a better comment protocol by organizing comments into threads, and 2) MamaLiberty and I had an enlightening series of e-mails which normally would have been posted to comments. I apologize here to MamaLiberty, and hope that she finds other places to comment, for surely her point of view deserves to be heard as much as mine. As for others who may have been frustrated by the other system, hopefully this change will make it easier.

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