Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What's the big deal about background checks?

Gun owners who have no objections to the Lautenberg ‘gun show” bill are operating on the flawed assumption the legislative process is honest. Any background check system can be turned into gun registration, and California and New York have demonstrated that registration is a necessary prelude to confiscation …

Paul F. Valone explains in graphic detail why the gun grabbers want all guns sales run through a background check, and why the NRA, JFPO, GRNC, and others have seemed so "unreasonable" in opposing anything to do with it.

One wag once said, and I paraphrase here, that the way to judge legislation is to imagine it in the hands of your worst enemy. Well, we don't have to imagine. Paul tells us about some home grown examples in New York City and in California.

read more digg story

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