Thursday, July 1, 2021

Climate Change is a Trojan Horse

 Have you ever noticed that the people who want to eliminate other people are those who live in coastal enclaves?  These people no doubt get frustrated because wherever they want to go, there are 1 million other people going the same direction, at the same time, to the same destination.  They have to stand in line for everything.  The problem is that these people look around themselves, and then, believing that what they experience is true for everyone on the planet, decide that we have too many people.  But of course, they don't want to eliminate themselves.  The want to eliminate you.

Jeffery Folks has an article today at the American Thinker entitled How To Stop Global Warming: Misery or Death that makes the points that I make above. In reality there are not too many people, and in fact. humans have very little effect on global climate change. God has already accounted for our greed and other sins, and denied us the power to change the climate.

Yet even if human emissions were brought to zero, that too would not be enough. Natural sources of carbon emissions would continue to drive climate change. Natural forces drove climate change long before human life appeared on Earth, and they continue to drive it today.
Natural sources would continue to drive climate change because they constitute 95% of greenhouse gas emissions. Cattle, for example, emit 1.85% of total methane emissions as opposed to volcanoes, deep-sea vents, and other natural sources, which emit 95%. And human flatulence, from those 7.8 billion people now living, constitutes just 0.0016% of global CO2 emissions. It may be a bit malodorous and offensive, but it isn't a threat to the planet.
My own belief is that man-made emissions do not pose an environmental danger and that natural emissions are part of climate cycles that the Earth has endured since its beginnings. The presence of 10 billion or 15 billion human beings on the planet in 2050 will be not a threat, but a blessing. Each of these persons is divinely created and has the potential to make a contribution to other human beings and to the well-being of the Earth. Human ingenuity, a gift from our Creator, will solve whatever problems may arise, as they surely will, either from global warming or cooling.
All by itself, human population is projected to decline after mid-century as existing humans decide to reproduce at lower rates. The real problem that we may face is too few humans as many countries — not just Japan and many in Europe, but throughout the world — face the probability of demographic suicide.
Folks doesn't say it outright, but this is not about environmentalism, or climate change, or anything that might actually resonate with the public as impacting the common good. No. What this is really about is giving more power to our so called "elites." But our so called "elites" do not deserve more power. Indeed, they deserve to be disempowered. Our so called "elites" are people who have self selected themselves and have scratched and crawled their way to the top. They have done whatever was necessary because they wanted power. They are not smarter than you. They clearly do not have more character than you do. But they are now in a position to decide your life choices...and your death.

Of course, one of the secrets to the modern world's technological advancement has been the relatively large world wide population.  You see, billionaires like, oh, say, Bill Gates, or George Soros, or Jeff Bezos can afford whatever they want.  Elon Musk can afford his own space program for crying out loud.  But for the rest of us, the secret to making stuff affordable is to have really huge markets for that stuff.

Take cell phones.  A so called "smart" phone, which is just a little two way radio, costs anywhere from a few hundred dollars to $1000.  These little radios, however, depend on a vast network of towers with repeaters to carry the signal across vast distances.  This is tremendously expensive infrastructure that depends on the fact that nearly everyone on the planet has a cell phone and is willing to pay to maintain the tremendously expensive infrastructure necessary to keep them working.  Everything would be more expensive if there were fewer people.  Some of the things we take for granted would be prohibitively expensive for the vast majority if there were fewer of us. 

And that is what it is really all about.  Climate change is the trojan horse to get ordinary people to agree.  Are the people who want to eliminate you and me really so selfish, so greedy, that they just don't want to share life?  What does that say about our so called "elites?"

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