Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Cuban Uprising vs. Our Garbage Elites

The ironies are rich indeed.   First up is an article by Kurt Schlichter entitled The Cuban Freedom Protest Is Awkward for our Garbage Elite. Looking at the facts laid out by Schlichter, one has to ask what is the difference between what the Cubans face and what we face here at home:

Oh, that wasn’t embarrassing at all – a couple days after our glorious FBI, fresh from failing to stop several mass murderers it knew about decided to ask the American people to narc on their family members, the Cuban people took to the streets to protest just this type of commie garbage. Great timing. This is the kind of quality work that has led to our ace Inspector Erskines having no idea what the Maddow-loving leftist with the list of Republicans and a rifle was doing at that softball field.
Now, it’s not just the FBI encouraging kids to turn-in their birthing people to the authorities for unapproved thoughts that channels the Castro vibe. It’s a whole bunch of things going down that demonstrate, conclusively, that our elite is down with the oppression. And, of course, it’s all in the name of democracy.
It was just this last July 4th that the esteemed, among jerks, New York Times informed us that the flag is a symbol of badness. Meanwhile, the Cuban people, and the people of Hong Kong, are waving the red, white n’ blue around like woke corporations waved rainbow flags right up until the last day of Pride Month.
This all comes a week after the regime got caught tuning into Tucker Carlson’s texts. The whole listening into the private communications of dissenters flex seems kind of familiar too. The NSA sort of denied it – weasel words are red, flashing lights to lawyers like me – but then, exactly as predicted, some public servant leaked these nonexistent intercepts to the lapdog press.
And of course, the Leftist threats against normal Americans will only get more oppressive. Joe Biden administration has announced they intend to publish a list of influencers who have radicalized others to conduct an "armed" "insurrection" of the Capitol on January 6. How does a person get on that list? If being despised by the despicable is an honor, then being on this list seems like a good thing too.  Let's be clear, shall we?  The Biden administration, and the Democrat party have gone full on communist.  Oh, I don't believe that every one with a "D" after his or her name is an actual communist, but even if they are not, they are afraid to speak up, or vote their conscience, so they are facilitating the destruction of this nation.

If Joe Manchin is the man portrayed, he would switch to Republican.  Indeed, that is how the State of West Virginia came to be.  When Virginia seceded from the Union, the West Virginia counties refused to go along.  Manchin would thus be standing in good stead with the history of his state.
The second item today is a post at the American Thinker by Andrea Widberg entitled It looks as if there was massive fraud in Fulton County Georgia. The Fulton County audit, the Maricopa County audit in Arizona are showing that Trump was right all along. Trump's claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him is more and more appearing to be true.

I urge you, gentle readers, to read both articles and think hare about what you are going to do.

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