Sunday, July 25, 2021

Masks for the Vaccinated?

The Epoch Times reports that Fauci says the CDC is considering mask mandates for vaccinated people. My first thought is that these people must truly be insane. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Masks did not stop of even slow the virus before. No reason to believe it will now. And of course they really are not following the science. The virus is perhaps 40 nm, while the pores in masks are 1,000 times bigger. Stopping the virus with a mask is like trying to stop mosquito bites by building a chain link fence.

What I think this is about is imposing a vaccine passport on the country. Vaccine passports are a step on the way to the "papers please" police state. We know they want this, but so far they can not justify it. But, by scaring people with the Delta variant, which while it is more contagious, is less deadly, they hope to impose some sort of vaccine passport. Show your papers or wear a mask. And don't notice that showing identification is racist when it is for purposes of voting. Vaccine passports is a way for the tyrants to introduce social credit to the American public.

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