Thursday, July 22, 2021

Is the FBI working with the Far Left?

 This is very disturbing.  Today at the American Thinker John Dietrich has a post entitled The Antifa/FBI Coalition. I have suspected that this might be true at the top, but the idea that this corruption may permeate the FBI is very disturbing. And one has to now wonder, are the other Federal law enforcement agencies equally corrupted? What about the Marshal service, the Secret Service? Of course we know the ATF is absolutely corrupt. They should be neutral, enforcing the law impartially against law breakers while protecting the law abiding. But they have picked a side, and that side is anti-gun.  But then, that is the goal of every law enforcement agency: to enforce the law impartially and not take sides in the culture wars, or push their political masters agendas.

I would note that while the Dems are all in on this because they hope to achieve permanent power, and thus permanent ability to loot and ruin the middle class and poor, we haven't heard a peep from the R's.  Why not?  And more importantly, why don't the Republicans take some action.   Oh, Senator Kennedy from Louisiana goes on Fox News to make clever "aw shucks" mincemeat out of this Biden policy or that, and Ted Cruz makes blistering attacks against the Dems latest fiasco, neither one takes any real action.  And while I applaud Rand Paul's action referring Dr. Fauci for criminal prosecution, I don't expect much to come from it. 

The R's seem to be in on it too.  But nobody seem to be working for the American people.

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