Saturday, July 3, 2021

When So Called "Elites" Go Insane

 In my last post, below, I wrote about the fact that our "elites" are not really our elites.  Instead, they are people so consumed by desire for power and control, that they imagine themselves to be sort of demigods.  Indeed, if you want to see this idea taking place right now in full Technicolor reality, go read The Epoch Times piece on the CCP's campaign to eliminate religion.

Yesterday, at the American Thinker Jack Gleason makes these thoughts more explicit in his article entitled When Too Much Power Makes the Elites Insane:

There are many stories of wealthy people setting up foundations that help millions of people. But there is a dark side as well.
People with great wealth and power quickly become surrounded by underlings who fawn over their every word. Every idea is brilliant; every thought is genius. After a while, they start to think they are gods.
When their ideas and faulty logic are opposed, they use blackmail, bribery, and intimidation to get their way. Our rights to vote and to free speech are unimportant because we are too stupid to know whom to vote for or what to say.
This life of power leads to a form of insane immorality, where rules of civilized behavior apply only to others. This is why we saw videos of political leaders at fine restaurants with no masks while everyone else was quarantined eating TV dinners. Scientists feel that it's OK to fake data to reach their desired conclusions. Governors can ignore their legislatures and act like dictators.
Among the richest and most elite is an obsession with the need to end "global warming" and make the planet healthy and "sustainable." The real fear is that "their world" is going to be polluted and overrun by the stupid people in "flyover country."
And there it is. It is "their world", you see, and the idea that someone else might have a different view is...well...insane and not to be tolerated. If you want to know how feudal societies came to be, it was this notion that people with wealth and power deserved to make the rules and everyone else had no say. And what the so called "elites" want to do is bring back something like feudal society again.  Our revolution was fought to give every individual a say.  It is in our Declaration of Independence.  You should go read it.

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