Wednesday, November 22, 2023

If People Want To Hurt You, It Makes Sense To Have the Means To Defend Yourself

At Bearing Arms Tom Knighton tells us about Anti-Semitism and the Second Amendment. I have reported before that after the October 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, and the unexpected support for the Arabs pretending to be "Palestinians," Jews have been showing up at gun stores to purchase firearms and get some training. Fortunately, here is the United States, we have the Second Amendment because minorities like the Jewish community are always at risk.

Since the moment Hamas rolled over the border of Gaza and began its attack on Israeli civilians, something bizarre has been going on. I get that a lot of people disagree with Israel on a number of points, but the outpouring of blatant antisemitism has been more than a little alarming.
While polling suggests there’s still support for Israel, a lot of people are very vocal about their desire to see the Jewish people there exterminated.
And at least some attacks have taken place against Jews and Jewish places and there isn’t even a hint that the antisemitism will slow down.


To paraphrase my friend Yehuda Remer, Jews with ARs don’t get put in cattle cars.
The truth of the matter is that any group that feels they’re likely to be targeted owe it to themselves to exercise their Second Amendment rights. That’s especially true of a group like Jews; people who were the target of genocide and are still reviled by many throughout the world.
If people want to hurt you, it just makes sense to have the means to defend yourself.


  1. Whether for religious reasons (I am a Christian), the color of my skin, the desire to steal my wealth or possessions, or harm my loved ones; I will not hesitate to do whatever is necessary to permanently stop an attack that could result in harm to me. I am sufficiently armed 7/24/365, practice draw & fire regularly, and maintain situational awareness everywhere I go. I stay away from stupid people, places, and situations.

    Certain people I know call that "living in fear." PFFFFFT! I fear nothing, but I am prepared for anything.

  2. Glypto Dropem, Good to hear from you on Thanksgiving Day. I agree with you. I of course did not mean just the Jews. I have met people from the Pink Pistols, and yes the Second Amendment is for them too. Indeed, it is for all of us. Going to the range tomorrow.

