Monday, November 13, 2023

The Barbarians Among Us

 At Crisis Magazine Msgr. Richard C. Antall writes that We Live Among Barbarians. He is speaking here of the recent vote in Ohio to enshrine abortion on demand into its Constitution. He likens the abortion of the unborn to the ancient god Molock, to whom the ancient Canaanites sacrificed their first born children by tossing them alive into the fiery belly of the image of the demon. The methods may be different, but the murder of the children has the same effect.

The vote should be a revelation to us: we live among barbarians who do not care about human life in the womb. In the Bible, there was worship of the evil god Moloch, to whom the firstborn of the Canaanites was ritually sacrificed in fire. Modern-day worshippers of Moloch propose abortion as something compassionate, and they get sentimental about destroying human life in the womb, even if that life is viable or capable of living outside the mother.
There was an old Latin saying that ius est ars boni et aequi. That means “law is the art of the good and the just.” In the case of Issue One, that has been turned on its head. Law has become the instrument of evil and injustice. Mr. Bumble, in Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist, when confronted with a legal dictum contrary to common sense, said, “Then the law is an ass, an idiot.” What provokes laughter in Dickens cannot do so in our situation. A society that enacts an unjust law is unjust. God will punish us for that injustice. An old Spanish saying has it: Dios tarda pero no olvida. The meaning is God takes His time but does not forget.

Readers of this blog will know that I have long believed that abortion is murder. Some may remember that I have advocated for each child that was to be aborted to actually have a advocate at court to argue for the life of the child against the mother's desire to kill him, and force judges to sign a death warrant. So, to say that I was very disappointed with Ohio vote is an understatement. I still believe that the Supreme Court did the right thing in returning the decision about abortion to the states. The Federal government has no business sticking its nose into the issue. Nonetheless, I had hoped that the states would prove better stewards of their citizen's lives  I was apparently wrong.

But it may be just as well that so many people have shown themselves to be enemies of God. It is good to know your enemy. Similarly, the pro-Hamas protestors and antisemites have shown themselves to be enemies of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Now we know who the Satanists are among us. Good to know.

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