Sunday, November 5, 2023

Ted Cruz: Unwoke

 I have liked Senator Ted Cruz since I first heard about him almost 10 years ago.  Cruz is a true Constitutional scholar and conservative. Cruz showing up in Townhall however is not as a new commentator but rather to publicize his new book, Unwoke: How To Defeat Cultural Marxism in America. I have a confession to make, however. I have't read his new book because I already have a backlog of books I am slogging my way throough. But I have put it on my reading list. In any case, I was happy to see him in the "pages" of Towhall. In his article, entitled Excert From Unwoke: Marxism and China Cruz made a statement I can fully agree with. He stated he viscerally hated Communists. So do I. I vicerally hate Communism but for somewhat different reasons.

I need to explain that last statement. I don't know Ted Cruz personally, but I think his hatred of Communism grows out of the several facts of Marxist philosophy. The first is that they always and everywhere lie. The promises they make are lies. They don't intend to make the world better for the poor or downtrodden, but rather to use them to gain power. They fear exposure to the truth as vampires fear sunlight. One would think that if what they were doing was legitimate, they would be about it to the world. Instead, as I said, they lie. And of course, they cheat and steal. Communists don't produce new ideas, rather they steal them from those who do as the Communists stole nuclear secrests from the West. In the same way, Communist China steals American designs and production methods. And they kill in massive numbers. It is estimated that they killed 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th Century.

Of course, I viscerally hate Communists because I recognize that Communism like Islam, grows out of the ancient Serpent, the Devil.  Jesus said that he always a liar and murderer from the start. Now, I know that God both loves and hates the Devil.  But I am not God, so I can only do one thing at a time.  I chose to hate what God hates.  If Cruz is on the same page, good for him.

Some quotes from the article to whet your appetite, so to speak:

Since I arrived in the Senate over a decade ago, I have been warning about China—which I maintain poses the single greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States for the next century. My first year as a senator, I gave a speech urging that we can’t deal with China “by embracing arm-in-arm and singing kumbaya.” At the time, that was very much a minority view; all the Democrats and most of the Republicans disagreed. When they looked to China, they saw nothing but dollar signs.
And we very much need clear vision and a detailed, systemic strategy to defeat them. Our approach should be modeled after Reagan’s strategy that won the Cold War and defeated the Soviet Union.
It should start by shining a light of truth on the communists. Reagan astonished the intellectual elites when he referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire.” When he said Marxism-Leninism would end up “on the ash heap of history” and when he said his strategy in the Cold War was “very simple: we win, they lose,” Democrats and the intelligentsia derided him as an ignorant philistine. But when he stood before the Brandenburg Gate and demanded, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” his words changed history.

Cruz then goes on to tell a story about changing the name of a street in front of the Chinese embassy, and how much the Chinese did to stop that. The Chinese Communists fear being exposed that much. It is a small thing, but they fear it like a vanpire fears sunlight. The point is that we need to keep telling the truth, and keep also telling the Truth. We may not make a big difference, but if we keep couragiously telling the truth, we will in the end make a difference.  When we tell the truth, we expose those who would rather slither back under the rock we have just picked up.  They may strike, but we must continue to pick up the rocks.

Gentle readers are encouraged to read the article, and buy Cruz's book. Texans are encouraged to keep him in Congress.

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