Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Muslims Are Coming for You, Just As Soon As They Kill The Jews

 Jews were threatened in our largest city, and the response from those in charge was to ask the Jews to hide in the attic. Not to arrest the miscreants, not to make clear that in America you don't get to that. No, the authorities told the Jews to hide. Kurt Schlichter has a report at entitled America's Shame that explains it is not just the Jews that are at risk, but ourselves (including the protesters) as well.  Oh, yes, they are coming for you as well.

A pack of braying savages-sycophants cornered some Jewish students in New York City inside a school library not long ago. The solution to this was obvious –turn the cops on them – with sticks or worse – to disperse them, then expel the little degenerates. But what the powers that be went with was something wholly different. They helpfully suggested that the Jewish students hide in an attic.
In America.
In our biggest city.
Hide in an attic, Jews.
The solution to a bunch of vicious cheerleaders for people who put babies in ovens was not to utterly crush them and make them pay. No, the bright idea was that the Jews go hide in an attic.


But this is America under our garbage ruling class today. Our feckless institutions cannot tell right from wrong, or worse, they are afraid to do so. I expect they know how disgusting and utterly evil this all is, and how disgusting and evil the little schmucks that the collegiate commie conformity factories that they allegedly manage have produced actually are. They either do not care, or they are afraid.
It's difficult to say which is worse.
America has seen these little Kristallnachts erupt all across the country in the wake of the hideous October 7th massacre in Israel. The anti-Semites have been emboldened, and they have been worse than merely tolerated. They have been celebrated. From college faculties to Hollywood jerks, they have been in encouraged in their support of not just Hamas but the whole agenda of “decolonialization.” And it’s not like they do not know what that means. They do. It is some of the targets of “decolonialization” who refuse to accept the reality that these people want to exterminate first the Jews, then the Christians, then anyone else on the far side of the oppression hierarchy bell curve.
You would think maybe self-preservation would inspire them, but no. Are they just delusional, or do they think that the monster will just rape and behead them last?
Their stupid/cowardly refusal to not accept this degeneracy has made this degeneracy acceptable. That anyone can go out in decent society waving their Palestinian flag and giggling about their transgressive paraglider sign without being shunned and despised like some doofus wearing a white robe setting fire to a cross illustrates the depravity of our elite. But they can do it, and they will be applauded for doing it.

Gentle readers, and not so gentle readers as well, should go and read Schlichter's polemic. He has hit the nail squarely on the head. Even if you are not a Christian or a Jew, you should be able to see that what has been done to Israel is absolute savagery and know that America rejects such savagery. The pleasure the Arabs who perpetrated this barbarity shocks the senses, because as a Christian nation we attempt to adhere to the doctrine of Just War. But Allah, not being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does not recognize Just War, only barbarity.

The other problem with so many apparently antisemites in colleges and universities is that they do not have a firm grasp on history. Otherwise, they would know that as soon as the Muslims get done with the Jews, they are coming after us. Ever hear of the Gates of Vienna?  Many of these people are atheists and agnostics, just the sort the Muslims like to kill. Christians will be tolerated, if only just, as second-class citizens. But these people will be butchered. Perhaps they believe they will be beheaded last, but no.

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