Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Is the Left running the COVID playbook?

 Andrea Widburg today at the American Thinker has a post questioning Is there really a new plague coming out of China, or is this a con job? Widburg is right to be skeptical after so many lies coming out of governments, the WHO, social media, and corporations.  Indeed, to her, this looks like a replay of the COVID playbook.

In December 2019, right before a presidential election that seemed certain to reelect a president who was trying to corral China, we started seeing videos from China showing people crowding emergency rooms and collapsing on streets. By the time COVID madness ended, it had almost upended the West, along with destroying Trump’s reelection and vastly increasing China’s reach. Now it’s December 2023, right before a presidential election that might reinstate a president who will again try to corral China, and we’re starting to see videos from China showing children crowding emergency rooms. Color me cynical, but I smell a rat.

Widburg has two theories, and admits that these are sheer speculation, wild ass guesses even. The first is that China is telling the truth. It is possible, I suppose. But I would be more likely to believe them if they were trying to sell us a bridge in Brooklyn. The second theory seems more likely to be accurate:

Theory No. 2: What we are seeing is the first act in a replay of the COVID epidemic. This time, however, because China knows that it won’t be able to stir up the same level of panic with a virus that hits the general population, the new narrative is that this is a virus that targets children.
Yes, that’s completely hypothetical on my part but, as I said, I’m cynical. I feel strongly the old saying that goes, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” The feeling of déjà vu all over again that I’m currently experiencing simply doesn’t allow me to look upon this footage with anything but a jaundiced eye.

Frankly, I am a skeptic as well. Gentle readers can decide for themselves.

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