Monday, November 13, 2023

The Vegan Cabal Strikes Again

 Today at The Federalist Tristan Justice tells us that Scientists Want Meat Slapped With 'Cigarette Style' Warning Labels About Climate Change. Here's Why It's Completely Asinine. Of course, the first reason it is asinine is that manufactured meat made from plants will have a larger effect on emissions of CO2 and Methane than pasture raised meat. It will also have a detrimental effect on human health. But you need to read the entire article yourself and check out the embedded references as well. Unfortunately, it is a long article, so get a cup of coffee and sit back for a long read.

To say that the researchers who are pushing this silly idea are 'scientists' is somewhat of a misnomer. These 'scientists' have predetermined their conclusions, and their only question is which scary label is the most credible, thus will have the greatest effect on the public. I somehow don't see the scientific method being used here, do you?

A group of scientists is proposing government-mandated cigarette-style caution labels on meat packages that could read, “Warning: Eating meat contributes to climate change.” The anti-meat scientists, who falsely claim meat consumption is detrimental to health and the environment, began pushing for the labels after conducting a study at the UK’s Durham University.
The researchers took a group of 1,000 meat-eating adults and split them into four groups. Depending on what group a participant was in, they were shown photos of hot meals assigned climate, health, or pandemic warning labels or no warning label at all.
“All the labels deterred meat consumption, with 7-10 percent of the participants choosing a non-meat meal.” However, when participants were asked how anxiety-inducing and believable they found each of the labels, they reported the climate change warning as the most credible.
This prompted the scientists to advocate for government-mandated climate change warning labels on meat. “Reaching net zero is a priority for the nation and the planet,” said study author Jack Hughes. “As warning labels have already been shown to reduce smoking as well as drinking of sugary drinks and alcohol, using a warning label on meat-containing products could help us achieve this if introduced as national policy.”

Contrary to the bleating of vegans, it turns out meat is good for you, and stunningly enough, when properly raised, meat is good for the planet as well. Who'd a thunk it? The chronic diseases plaguing man, particularly Western man, are not the diseases of eating meat, but rather the diseases of eating a diet very high in processes carbohydrates and sugary foods and drinks. When one eats a meat-based diet composed of meats, eggs, and small amounts of dairy products such as cheese, one doesn't have to constantly munch on snacks. One or two small meals a day is enough. Not only does this way of eating free your time to do more meaningful tasks but frees your thoughts as well. You no longer have to be thinking of your next meal. Additionally, you become healthier. As Dr. Benjamin Bikman says:

“By every metric, every single animal protein is superior to every single plant protein,” Bikman said. “A person can eat a modest amount of animal protein and know that they are literally getting every single amino acid they could possibly need in a good ratio. If it’s plant protein, well, then you kind of have to guess, and you hope you’re getting it all.”
Plant proteins, Bikman added, “are enriched with things called ‘anti-nutrients,’” which are “molecules that will inhibit the intestines’ ability to digest the protein.”
“So that’s kind of adding insult to injury,” Bikman explained, “because when someone’s trying to get all their protein from plant proteins, not only are they getting an inferior source of amino acids and an inferior profile of amino acids, they’re not even digesting the amino acids in the proteins they think they’re getting.”

As far as ruminant animals (translation: cows) being good for the planet:

“Regenerative grass-fed meat can restore ecosystems, improving soils while sucking carbon from the atmosphere and increasing water storage in soils,” Hyman wrote, urging readers to “choose regeneratively raised animal products whenever possible.”
“They are better for you and better for the animals and help draw down carbon and reverse climate change,” Hyman added.
Despite the fear-mongering over global livestock emissions, a trio of Spanish researchers published a study in April finding emissions from wildlife comparable to domesticated animals raised in natural grazing systems. In other words, contrary to climate alarmists’ warnings that livestock capital will pollute the planet into an environmental apocalypse, the elimination of animal emissions requires the extinction of natural species.

In the end, the desire of governments to get their populations off of meat and onto the products of Big Food is nothing more than the already rich as hell billionaires trying to get richer still at the expense of you and me. That they are killing us is of little concern to these people. In fact, from the perspective of the WEF that may be a feature, not a bug. Instead, we need to support America's independent ranchers who supply us with grass raised meat for our tables.

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