Sunday, November 12, 2023

Islam Is Not A Religion

Have you ever wondered what the Left has in common with Islam? The Left and Islam seem to be in lockstep in this country, and one wonders why? Of course, Islam hates the Left as infidels, and the Left would be the first ones beheaded by Islamic jihadis. Not only are the Left nonbelievers, but actual atheists. And of course, the Left returns the favor of hating Islam. Jihadis would be the first ones thrown against the wall and shot. What I think they have in common is hatred of the United States. Until they can destroy America, the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

Today at the American Thinker Sloan Oliver has an essay entitled Islam is Not a Religion. Rather, it is a authoritarian system disguised as a religion.

What is Islam? To answer that question, it’s more important to know what Islam isn’t. Islam is not a religion. It is an authoritarian, political ideology that forcibly imposes itself on all aspects of any society unfortunate enough to be under its yoke. Islam demands complete subjugation by its adherents. Under Islam, there is no democracy, there is no free speech, no freedom of religion, no freedom of the press, no minority rights, and there’s no right to love whoever you desire. Islam allows no dissent. It is a complete and total way of life that glorifies oppression, slavery, and death. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, cultural, and military components. The religious component is the veil that hides the dangers of its all-encompassing ideology.


Modern day Islam is just as oppressive and dangerous as was 8th century Islam. That’s because culturally, Islam still enforces the same tenets they did 1,200 years ago. What are some of those tenets, practices, and ways of life? Islam enforces edicts against homosexuality to the point of executing homosexuals. As for women, of the ten worst countries for women’s rights, seven of them are Muslim. The Quran clearly states that women are subordinate to men, and men may beat their wives (Quran 4:34). With Islam, there’s a fine line between oppressing women and enslaving them. Islam practices female genital mutilation, a barbaric practice (look it up and be disgusted). Other realities for women in Islamic countries include: women must be escorted in public, largely because it’s too dangerous for them to walk alone (rape and assaults are common); women must cover their bodies from head to foot; and very few education opportunities which result in limited employment opportunities.

We know (or at least we should know) that Marxism, Communism, Fascism, or any of the other Leftist ideologies create ugly oppressive political systems. But Islam is equally ugly and oppressive. Just look at the way women are treated in Islamic countries. Look at the fact that slavery is still legal in Islamic countries. Islam is called the "religion of peace," but within Islam itself there has been constant conflict.

You might wonder what I have against Islam, but let me ask this question: Knowing the profoundly immoral nature of tyrants and authoritarian regimes, would you be alright if Nazism or communism ruled over two billion people on the planet? I’m guessing most people would say “NO” to both, because the evils of these ideologies have no place in a civilized society of unalienable rights. Well, the evils of Islam are just as bad—perhaps worse—as the evils of any totalitarian form of rule ever devised by man. Islam doesn’t want peace; it preaches struggle, constant struggle, because it is an ideology that uses religion.
Many people might disregard the dangers of Islam, as we do have Muslims here in America, and we don’t see things like Muslim men buying children, or public beatings by administrators of Sharia “justice.” But, Muslims are a small percentage of our population at this moment. Anywhere Islam is the majority, there is oppression, conflict, and struggle. Think of the wars and conflicts being fought on this planet; then, think of the countries that have large Muslim populations, and you’ll find those two maps overlay one another. From Nigeria in Africa, to Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, Gaza, Syria, Afghanistan, and to the jungles of the Philippines, Islamic societies are engaged in armed conflicts to suppress and oppress those populations. And also don’t forget, a small number can be very dangerous: the 9/11 attack was carried out by only 19 Muslims.
In Islamic countries, conflicts, struggles, and oppression have been ongoing for centuries; no end in sight, and it’s important to remember that above all, Islam is an ideology as dangerous and evil as any ideology ever conceived, using religion as a scapegoat.

Like Marxism, Islam and its Sharia Law is antithetical to the Constitution and Christianity. Whether the Left wants to admit it or not, our laws are derived from Christianity, and Islam is by definition the enemy of Christ. why the Pope keeps playing footsie with the Muslims is anybody's guess. As for admitting Muslims to America, we should not admit any more. It is utter madness.  People like the squad should be voted out of office.

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