Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Truth of the Rigged Election Is Finally Reaching A Wider Audience

I have said for a long time to everyone I know that there is simply no way that Biden got 81 million votes.  No way.  Oh, I am sure that Dr. Jill likes him, maybe loves him too.  But that and $4.24 would get him a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  Biden was just not that popular, and neither was Kamala Harris.  The fact was that the Democrat party manufactured enough fraudulent votes to win over Donald Trump.  I am not saying that as someone who is a Trump fan; I am not.  Neither am I a "anyone but Trump" voter.  I still think Ted Cruz would have been better, but I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the best candidate available. 

As the 2024 election draws nearer, the Clay and Buck show features endless analysis of the horse race. Other pundits publish various polls showing this or that candidate ahead in the race and speculating on what it means. I on the other hand have taken the position that it doesn't really matter. As the Kari Lake versus Katie Hobbs race for the Arizona governorship shows, the Dems will do whatever they need to win, and the courts will back them up. Republicans will never win a race again if the Left sees it as strategic to their goals.

So it was with great interest that I read Campaign Kabuki by Leann Horrocks at the American Thinker. Ms. Horrocks tells it as it is, and holds no punches as she speaks about pundits, TV commentators, various courts including the Supreme Court, and the politicians who know what is happening but have said very little and done even less.

Less than a year to go until the 2024 election and the pundits are out in force with their analysis. There are whiteboards, videos, polls, graphs, and lots of posturing.
All the normal ways of analyzing election outcomes are a complete waste of time unless the issue of fraud is addressed. The sad truth is, that in many parts of the country, the voters really have no choice.
Take the case of the current president. He didn't even have to show up in 2020. He was promised the win and he got it. The election was over before the voting began.
Then there's the case of Lake vs. Hobbs in Arizona. Subtleties of computer malware weren't even needed in Arizona when the strangely vague Katie Hobbs was declared the winner. Through the entire campaign season, she didn't bother campaigning, she refused to debate and was rarely seen. Her opponent counted on people showing up at the polls on election day -- so what could go wrong? The voting equipment was simply disabled in Republican-heavy precincts, resulting in long wait times, lost ballots, and ballots that were promised to be "counted later." Subsequent investigations have shown video of tampering with sealed machines -- mountains of evidence have shown the election was fraudulent.
Evidence of fraud was met with a big "so what." The Arizona election tampering was so heavy-handed, one can easily assume the cartels were involved. Cartels were not about to have Kari Lake become governor of Arizona, and military-industrial types were not about to have a change in the U.S. Senate representation either. Neither of these parties care what voters want or what they do.

I applaud the voters of Argentina for their victory in the recent Presidential election of Javier Milei, but don't expect Milei to win a second term, assuming he survives his first term. If the Left plays rough here, it is even rougher in Argentina. He and Trump have this in common, that Mr. Milei will be hounded by the liars that make up the Left side of the political spectrum.

I urge gentle readers to read the entire article. The first thing in solving a problem is to admit that we have one. Clearly we have a problem. Joe Biden and his Democrat buddies, along with craven RINOs in Congress are driving the country into the ground. Some people have proposed solutions, and I applaud those peoples efforts as well, but until there is a massive overhaul of the election system, the Dems will be able to manufacture as many votes as needed to win any election they want. Several things need to change:

1. Every state needs to dial back its mail in balloting to the absolute minimum. Abstenee ballots should be mailed to only those who request one, and the reasons for requesting them should be vary narrow. Of course, being deployed overseas by a branch of the military is one. I don't think that permanent residence in another country should entitle one to a ballot, however. Ballots should only be mailed to people who are already registered to vote.

2. Everyone should have to register to vote a certain amount of time before election day. If one can not be bothered to register to vote, can't we assume he is not that interested in exercising his franchise? And for that registration, he should have to show government issued identification. The claim is often asserted without proof that requiring identification somehow burdens the poor. But even the poor have to present ID to obtain other services such as healthcare. Again, it should be assumed that if they can not be bothered to obtain the required proof of identity, they are simply not interested.

3. Bring back "election day." The polls can be open until 9:00 pm if you like, but everyone votes on a single day, except the few people voting absentee, who must have their ballots in by election day. Heck, you could make it a state holiday if you like. Weeks or months of early voting means that some will have already cast their ballots when news like that of Hunter Biden's laptop from hell comes out. No one knows what difference that might have made, maybe none. But people should have had that information available before they voted.

There may be other things you may think of. We may (I say that with trepidation) MAY be able to get our Republican legislatures to enact some of these. If we can do so in red states, then we might, from the base of red states march back through the institutions that have been hijacked by the Left. That discussion is for another day.

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