Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Democrat Party Has Become a Death Cult

 The Democrat sacrament of abortion is the modern-day equivalent of the sacrifice of first-born children to Molock.  Many of the kings of Israel were guilty of "passing their children through the fire" of Molock, which is a euphemistic way of saying that their children were literally thrown alive into the fire that burned in the belly of the image of Molock.  King Ahab was notorious for this perversion.  As a result, God allowed the Israelites to be carried off into captivity.  The 10 Northern tribes were scattered and never returned.

At the Democratic National Convention (DNC) held earlier this month, abortion was highlighted as a part of the party platform.  This immorality was sickening and cannot go on.  Whether you believe that the God of creation causes things to happen, or you believe that the universe itself, or as the ancient Greeks had it, Fate, can lead man to destruction, our continued tolerance of this practice will lead to our downfall. 

At the American Thinker yesterday, Thomas Klocek had an article entitled The Democrat Abortion Convention.

The Democrat Abortion Convention is over. The Democrats have vowed to keep abortion front and center during this election cycle. Their push for abortion is graphically evident at the Democrat National Convention (DNC) by the grisly presence of a mobile abortuary provided by Planned Parenthood (PP). They have virtually nothing else to run on. The record of the Biden-Harris administration has been constructed with one lie upon another, from inflation being only temporary to the strength of our military and economy (with its $35 trillion debt), to “slashing” the deficit, to “the border is secure.” Abortion hurts women and society, a characteristic of this administration, just like their attempted changes to Title IX hurts women.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan (NY) has identified the Democrat party as the “Party of Death.” They have made abortion the centerpiece of their policies, some going so far as to say pro-lifers are not welcome in the party, although about one-third of Democrats claim to be pro-life.
The Culture of Death is a Culture of Lies. In order to support abortion they need to keep the lies coming and obfuscate or deny the truth about life. They have even tried to claim biblical and religious support for their culture of death. This issue is about the dehumanization of life. In Europe and Canada we have seen an increase, not only in abortion (e.g., Ireland) but also euthanasia. As for a biblical perspective, there are many references to being formed in the womb, but this one is pretty clear: “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.” Wisdom 1:13 Other examples include Psalm 139:13, “you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” (Cf. Is 44:2, Is 49:5, Jer 1:5, to name a few) To support the tearing apart of this work of God in the womb is contrary to God’s will.

I would add that Jesus himself said in Luke, chapter 20, verse "38 For He is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live to Him.” Klocek goes on to point out the monstrous lies that are told to justify the practice of abortion. For example, that women deserve reproductive freedom, or that aborting your child is actually an act of love. Really?

Another lie is that abortion is an act of love. How can murdering one’s baby be an act of love? An act of love would be to carry the baby to term (healthier for the mother than an abortion) and give it up for adoption. Or, even greater, raise the baby yourself. Certainly this will involve sacrifice, but there is no sacrifice without love and there is no love without sacrifice. And most of those women who do so are happy with their child and with their choice, even victims of rape.
Yet there are a lot of people who call themselves Christians (and even Catholics) who not only believe that abortion is okay, but avidly promote it. The Didache, a first-century Christian teaching document, prohibited abortion as does the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
God is the Creator. He created man in His image and likeness. Abortion is an act of destruction, not creation. But God is not in the Democrat platform.
The only love in abortion is self-love to the exclusion of all else, meaning you hate everything that is not you, including God, essentially making yourself an idol. Pope St. John Paul II wrote, “the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights” must be defended with maximum determination. (Christifideles Laici). Note recently that Harris conveniently left the “right to life” out of her attempted quote of the Declaration of Independence.

Please read all of Klocek's article, and the links to other articles. I was struck by the recent ad for the Harris campaign that showed several teenaged girls telling us that if Trump is elected, their abortion "rights" will be taken away, and to please think of them when we vote. My first reaction is that I AM thinking of them. Do they want to have the killing of their child on their consciences for the rest of their lives? Do they want to become infertileause of botched abortions? Do they want to experience the pain of losing a child? Believe me, I do think of them. I hope gentle readers will too.

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