Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Another Reason To Think Global Warming Is A Hoax

An interesting look at climate change from an economic point of view. James L. Swafford tells us What Beachfront Property Says about Global Warming. And what it says in a nutshell is that nobody believes the global warming alarmists.  What he is saying is that people are betting money each time a mortgage is made that the property will still be there in 30 years.  I suspect they are right.

Global warming is a crisis no one believes in. At least, most people don't believe in it. The market shows us that. More technically, people voting in the mortgage market with their money on balance do not believe in global warming.
That paragraph says it all. People in the business of making money from loaning money don't believe the alarmists. They don't believe Saint Greta of Thunberg and he 12 years to live either. But even Barack Obama and Bill Gates don't believe it, and they wnat to stuff it down everybodies throat:
Another thing that is true about President Obama and Mr. Gates is they are not smarter and are not able to process more information than the all of us put together that makes up the market. As of now, interest rates on loans for beachfront properties are no higher than interest rates for loans on other properties, comparing first homes to first homes and vacation homes to vacation homes. Thus, all of us — i.e., the market — are not concerned that global warming will affect beachfront property values negatively in the next 30 years.
So, what both Obama and Gates really believe is that they gain more power if the can convince you and me to give up our liberty to them. And they are willing to scare you to do it.

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