Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Schlichter: Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrant's Dirty Work?

Kurt Schlichter has a question: Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants Dirty Work? Spoiler alert: Schlichter sees a need for a lot of good guys with guns in our future. As he points out, one man apparently held off 30 cops armed with AR 15s for an hour and a half in Uvalde, Texas.

If 30 local cops who knew the families of the kids being slaughtered refused to put their asses on the line to take on one untrained civilian half-wit, what's going to happen when they are told to go get a few million citizens with ARs (and other modern weapons), many of them with military and law enforcement training, who are ideologically committed to defending their Constitution and all the rights actually found within it?
Think the thugs might hesitate?
Schlichter starts out by noting that we can not expect the be protected by the governemtal forces be they the police, sheriffs, or FBI SWAT teams. But if we normals can't expect to be protected, neither can the tyrants.
The shameful video of Uvalde cops cowering in the hallway while some freakish mutant murdered little kids brings to mind an important point. It's not a point about the cowardice of badly-led police officers – that point has been made. It's not the hygiene focus of the guy who paused just standing there to splurt a dollop of hand sanitizer into his paw. It's not even about the fact that we normal citizens cannot rely on the forces of the government to protect us.
It is the fact that the members of our garbage ruling elite cannot rely on the forces of the government to protect them.
Several points come to mind here. First, the government forces were never intended to be our personal bodyguards. They are not the "first responders," we are. Second, we need to get rid of so called "gun free zones" which for someone intent on mass murder are simply target rich killing zones. The more places such people have to cont on the presence of concealed carriers who may take action to stop them, the better for everybody else, especially our school children. Third, there may come a time when we will need to, as Jefferson put it, "refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants." It probably would have already happened had we not had the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
It is beyond dispute that the left has moved from leveraging private power (via their corporate allies) to control us to using armed thugs to do it. Right now, they do it behind the veneer of the justice system, but as we have seen, that play has a SELL BY date. So what happens next? History provides a clear answer for that question – more and more armed force is used against opponents, with less and less attention paid to maintaining the pretense of a fair and neutral judicial system. From Stalin through Hitler through Mao through Castro, socialists always – always – end up sending men with guns to suppress the uppity. Don't think Biden or his heirs won't if that's the price of keeping power. They are already setting the stage – you are not a mere opponent if you liked Trump. Why, you are a treasonous insurrectionist traitor! They hate you, and they don't hide it.
Who would do their dirty work, and when it comes to it, would they be any more proactive in facing millions of armed patriots than the Uvalde cowards were facing one mutant in a schoolhouse?
And so we come back to the question asked in the title. There will of course be people willing to go after their countrymen and neighbors, sadly. There always are. But as Schlichter makes clear, the advantage of such people is organization and the fact that they can muster enough force to overwhelm the bad guys. But if we organize, and there are millions of us, we prevail. It would not be easy, and we have probably gone beyond the point when we could have prevailed with little cost to us. So be it.  Oh, and I have ordered Schlichter's new book We'll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America.

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