Saturday, July 23, 2022

You must place your trust in God alone

 I had read an article at Axios by one Jonathon Swan entitled A Radical Plan for Trump's Second Term, which sounded pretty good to me, if true. I say If true because Trump often, during his first term, did the opposite of Teddy Roosevelt's motto "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Trump spoke loudly but didn't back up his speech with actual actions. So many people should have been fired, or knowing how notoriously hard it is to actually fire someone (I succeeded only once) send them to a do nothing job in Alaska. They can count carribou and make reports.

Trump signed an executive order, “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service,” in October 2020, which established a new employment category for federal employees. It received wide media coverage for a short period, then was largely forgotten in the mayhem and aftermath of Jan. 6 — and quickly was rescinded by President Biden.
Sources close to Trump say that if he were elected to a second term, he would immediately reimpose it.
Trump, in theory, could fire tens of thousands of career government officials with no recourse for appeals. He could replace them with people he believes are more loyal to him and to his “America First” agenda.
Even if Trump did not deploy Schedule F to this extent, the very fact that such power exists could create a significant chilling effect on government employees.
It would effectively upend the modern civil service, triggering a shock wave across the bureaucracy. The next president might then move to gut those pro-Trump ranks — and face the question of whether to replace them with her or his own loyalists, or revert to a traditional bureaucracy.
So, some of this is inside baseball stuff, but the point he is making is that Trump had an Executive Order ready going into his second term, which would have gotten rid of a lot of those the in "swamp" which is really a part of the Democrat Party establishement. They were the ones throwing sand in the machine for Trump, while facilitating the Biden administrations goals. Of course, Axios is attempting to fire up the despondant Democrat base before the election, and this is one of the ways. Who knows if any of this is true? But it should be.

Over at the American Thinker today, Rajan Laad has an article entitled Axios reveals Trump's plan to take out the deep state. Laad explains in detail how the backroom deals get made, how politicians, on handsome but not extravagant salaries somehow get rich, how justice is corrupted, indeed exposes how things REALLY get done (hint: it is not what you were taught in Civics class.)
It begins with elections.
If a relatively unknown but well-meaning candidate wants to run for office, the swamp places numerous impediments before him.
The first impediment is funding. The candidate first needs to raise millions to fund a campaign, for which the swamp is the facilitator. If the candidate chooses to circumvent the swamp and fund a campaign on small donations from regular individuals, there are challenges.
Firstly, few donate to unknown candidates. Secondly, his swamp-funded opponent, either during the primary or the main electoral contest, runs attack advertisements while the regular candidate has no means to respond. Despite good intentions, he loses.
Hence candidates intending to win have no option but to plunge into the swamp. This enables millions of dollars for their campaign, favorable media coverage, and a few coveted endorsements.

Gentle readers will want to read on. Once you understand "the swamp" and its membership, things that happen that are seemingly inexplicable suddenly become clear. Rush Limbaugh understood. He used to say that he understood these creatures like the back of his hand. Once you see it, you can not unsee it. When you see politicians voting in ways that, if they were serving their constituents, they wouldn't vote that way, you can be sure the swamp has influenced them.  This is how you get Republicans supporting a "Assault Weapon" ban, for example.

This is why you can not trust in men. You must place your trust in God alone.

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