Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July is Gun Pride Month

 I cherish all my rights as an American citizen: my right to practice and express my religion wherever I deem necessary, my right to speak freely without government interference, and all the rest, written and unwritten.  But first and foremost, this is a gun blog because I value my Second Amendment rights as the guarantor of all the rest. So, it should come as no surprise that I think that D. Parker has a great idea with The Top Five Reasons to Celebrate July Gun Pride Month at theAmerican Thinker. How did I not know about this? Tom Knighton, of Bearing Arms originally proposed it in 2019! In any case, Parker list 5 reasons we all should celebrate:

1. It's good fun, and it is. Before the pandemic I used to get down to the range a couple of times a month. I may not be the best marksman, or the fastest on target, but I had fun, and the other people at the range were likewise fun loving, knowledgeable, and helpful. I even took people to the range and they became gun owners as well.

2. Even True Liberals Recognize the Importance of the Second Amendment. He cites Namoi Wolf, who, inspite of being a liberal, and a feminist, has publically recognized the need for the Second Amendment to protect everyone's rights. Without our equal rights to free speech rights and the rest of them, none of us can advance our interests, and we become simply serfs, cogs in the machine.

3. Leftists Hate Liberty and the Tools that Preserve It. This may be the best reason.

This is the hard truth of the matter. You almost get the impression that they actually believe their own labeling at times. Remember, they are people who attack liberty at every turn, who would like to go back in time to an ancient ideology that has never worked.
Anti-liberty leftists can BS with the best of them, but it’s their contradictions that catch them every time. They used to take offense if you questioned their patriotism, now they openly say 'F-- the Fourth' and hurl their America-hate in our faces.

4. Because we Need to Talk About the Second Amendment Outside the Hysteria of a Tragedy. The Left loves to dance in the blood of the victims of mass shootings. But really, all shootings are tragic. We are all created in the image of God, though some of us ignore that fact. But the truth is, the problen is not guns. As has been pointed out numerous times, pretty much anything can be a weapon, from rocks to iron pipes, to screw drivers and knives, to women's hosery and ropes.  For doing a lot of damage quickly, an automobile is always a handy weapon.  No gun needed.

The fact is that guns save lives, so liberty grabber leftists have to keep discussions on the subject within the confines of the emotional hysteria of a mass murder tragedy. It maintains a negative association with the subject matter and always casts it in a bad light. Gun Pride Month pushes back on this as a way of having calm discussions on the issue.

5. The United States Wouldn’t have Gained Independence Without Guns.We often point out that the rights specifically acknowledged in the Bill of Rights are rights that pre-exist the Constitution; they are not granted by that document. In the case of the Second Amendment, the Magna Carta had previously acknowledged the right if Englishmen to arms. Thus, we had them to assert our independence when our then goverment, the King of England became tyrannical. Or, as Naomi Wolf wrote:

The last thing keeping us free in America, as the lights go off all over Europe -- and Australia, and Canada -- is, yes, we must face this fact, the Second Amendment.
I can’t believe I am writing those words. But here we are and I stand by them.>/em>

So, Happy Gun Pride Month!

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