Saturday, July 30, 2022

Are the Green-New-Dealers Racist? Seems so...

At is an article entitled The All-Natural Death of Sri Lanka which speaks to the Green-New-Dealers desire to have government force farmers to go "organic." Organic farming was never suitable for feeding the whole population of the world. It is a niche farming method involving small farms, using large amounts of labor, and producing less food. I planted brussels sprouts, but didn't spray them, and right on schedule, cabbage worms invaded and destroyed the entire crop. Good thing I can go to the store and get brussels sprouts. But, if the entire farming system is organic, these wouldn't be available, would they? And that is what Sri Lanka is facing.  Worse, with crop failures happening in Sri Lanka, they won't import food from surrounding countries that did not go organic.

This July, political chaos in the South Asian country escalated. International reporting covered numerous human rights violations by the government as well as street fighting and the spectacular storming of the Presidential Palace by a huge crowd of protesters. The angry mob even set fire to the Prime Minister’s private residence. With the political future of the country still hanging in the balance, some media attention has turned to the underlying economic causes. However, amongst those, one organic elephant in the room received suspiciously little media attention.
In April 2021, the Rajapaksa government — the target of the current protests — instituted a sudden and complete ban on non-organic fertilizer and pesticides in a bid to turn all farming organic. Of course, this was not the sole cause of the current economic crisis, which started in 2019. But it served the death blow to an already dire situation. Farming collapsed. As protests erupted, the policy was partially rescinded, but the harvest was already lost, and with it went the livelihood of many farmers. Nearly a third of agricultural land remained unused. Food supplies were affected dramatically with rice production falling by 20%. Food prices escalated, adding to the already rampant inflation. Meanwhile, exported goods, like tea, suffered too. In a country of 22 million people, half a million people sank into poverty.
This is what the Dutch farmers are protesting now, as their government is trying to do the same thing to the Netherlands. And don't think it is not coming here, it is. The people who are pushing this on everyone know that organic methods do not produce as much food as standard methods. They know this will result in famine and hunger, and many of them see this as a feature not a bug. They believe there are too many people in the world, and desire to kill as many as they can by any means necessary.

Oh, and one doesn't like to point out that the people to be most impacted by these policies are "people of color" in places like Africa, Asia, and South America, who are already starving and dieing of famine. So, such policies represent the racism of these Marxists by the very definitions used by them.

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