Friday, July 29, 2022

Making sure we are on HIS side

Years ago, I told my wife, Mrs. PolyKahr, that smoking would soon be banned. "Oh, that'll never happen," she said. Yet, several years later, President Clinton declared a ban on smoking in all Federal offices. Today, I know only two people who smoke. Now, I do not want to relitigate the "tobacco wars," but it was certainly not put in place out of a regard for peoples' health. Certain big companies wanted to control nicotine for their own profits, and the tobacco companies had to be put out of business for them to thrive.

My bringing this up is to illustrate what Anthony J. DeBlasi is talking about in his article at the American Thinker titled Making Sense of Our Crazy Times

You don’t have to be an old-timer to see how yesterday’s “conspiracy theories” have become today’s realities – how what was “unthinkable” yesterday has become law today. The list of flip-flops between what is “unacceptable” and “acceptable” is very long.
Since I predate television and computers, my perspective of what has been going on in America is also very long. Over the many decades of my observation, I’ve become aware of some of the major impediments to sanity and humanity in this country. They are important enough to harp on, against the growing censorship that would keep them out of view.

So, if DeBlasi "predates" television he must be at least 80 years old, which makes him a full decade older than I am. I remember our family's first television set being installed in our home. No doubt my Dad came to regret bringing the "boob tube" into our home, for it brought all sorts of low brow entertainment with it. Tube time could have been more profitably used studying music, science and mathematics, or reading from the Great Books collection. (DeBlasi also refers, later in the piece to his years as a church organist. While I don't play for church services, I do play the organ, and have great respect for those who do play on a weekly basis. I know how much practice is needed, and they give a great deal of time and energy for others.)

The thing about the "Tobacco Wars" is that for the first time, the Left put it all together to change America.  They had perfected the art of scaring people, they had government, the legal profession, the media, all working together to stamp out and make a substantial minority of people pariahs.  It was estimated at the time that smokers constituted 25-30% of the population.  Yet within a decade, smokers standing outside in the cold and the rain getting their fix would be looked down upon as bad people.  Saul Alinski had written his book in 1971, and the Left had taken it to heart.

DeBlasi names a number of people and movements who have all come together to deal the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America a death blow.  First of course is the Marxist, Communist Left.

A key impediment to our Constitutional Republic became clear in 1944 when Alexander Trachtenberg (1885-1966) declared at the National Convention of Communist Parties held at New York City’s Madison Square Garden in 1944. "When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it, we will."
Next, DeBlasi cites an unlikely group of people: so called "Futurists."
Next are the futurists, who for decades have been lecturing, writing and organizing for a global utopia whose outlines have also become clear in this century – a world transformed through technology in which people think and act according to an imposed-from-on-high rulebook – voice of the people be damned. A molecular biologist named Joshua Lederberg is quoted by Alvin Toffler in his 1970 book, Future Shock, as saying that “We are going to modify man experimentally through physiological and embryological alterations, and by the substitution of machines for his parts.” Fast-forward to World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari who rants with a dead-serious face that society as we know it is over, that mega-technology will alter everything in the coming ultimate Master/Slave World.

As DeBlasi notes, the arrogance and conceit of these people is astounding. Buckminster Fuller styled himself as such, and credited himself with the invention of the geodesic dome. But the name itself shows that more than anything, Fuller was a self promoter with a gift for the word salad. More troubling to me is the current so called "futurist" Yuval Noah Harari, who worries about what to do with all the useless people after machines take over all of our jobs. Yet he is no more thoughtful than the ancient Romans. They had "bread and circuses," while he ponders video games to keep us entertained. It sounds like he is more if a "pastifist." And this is the guy our betters are listening to.

If you believe this, then you also have to believe that the discoveries and contributions of the intellectually gifted of the past and the present were/are without merit or relevance to the progress of the world. And you must also believe that our ancestors have been waiting for these self-appointed lords and saviors of humanity to set the world and its people straight...
DeBlasi also mentiones the churches, which have often strayed from the Gospel and the teachings of the Old Testament. I have mentioned that I left the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for precisely those reasons. They have bowed to the Left and appointed pastors and Bishops who are gay or transgendered. Knowing the problems the Catholic church has had with the gay mafia, I don't understand why they have done so. Nevertheless, I recognized that I wasn't about to change the entire ELCA synod.
A most alarming barrier to sane and humane progress is the abandonment of the original mission of Christian church leaders. I witnessed the growing apostasy to the Gospel during my years as a church organist. I noticed how the Word of God got “updated,” how sin was dropped from Christian teaching, how reference to the original meanings became “bible thumping.” One preacher got herself tongue-tied trying to explain the biblical commandments. What happened in the several churches that I provided music for (including a Catholic one) was clearly a departure from the Word of God and an attempt to dismantle the faith. What clearer indication of heresy in Christendom is there than the appearance of a pope who is more concerned with saving the planet than saving souls, who vilifies the most faithful in his flock, and who pursues goals of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, notorious for their amoral, God-free leadership?
The enormity of this anti-Apostolic impediment to the wellbeing of humanity cannot be overstated. Christians-in-Name-Only have created a backlash that is forming lines of battle between followers of God and followers of “Elites.” Full blame for this rupture in the churches rests upon the shoulders of pastors who have forgotten their mission to lead the times, not follow them.
There are many who believe that the man sitting on Peter's chair is rather the Anti-pope than the Pope. Still, we are born for such times, no? Our only hope is to double down on our faith in God, that he will turn the current crises to His ends. We need to make sure we are on His side.

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