Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Intolerable Acts 2.0

 Long time readers may remember that there was much discussion as long ago as 12 or 13 years ago.  The late Mike Vanderboegh was pretty clear that the patriot movement needed a new Declaration of Independence to tell the world that we do indeed have grievances that are not being addressed, that the government is tyranically rolling over our unalienable rights.  One of the problems, of course, is that we have no way to successfully gather a Continental Congress as they did in 1776.  But, Eric Utter has written the list of grievances for us at The Biden administration and the new 'Intolerable Acts.'

In 1774, the British imposed the Intolerable Acts on the American colonies. These acts, also called the Coercive Acts, were punishment for the Americans' disobedience to the crown, particularly as symbolized by the Boston Tea Party, a rebellion against a (relatively mild) increase in the tax on tea.
My fellow Americans, we have recently been subjected to a second set of Coercive Acts. Call them the Intolerable Acts 2.0.
These acts have been imposed on American citizens by their own supposedly representative government, the Biden administration, as punishment for disobedience to the Democrat party and the Deep State, as symbolized by the MAGA movement and the election of Donald Trump.
What are the new Intolerable Acts? I will list a number of them here for you now, many of them a result of executive fiat, not unlike those directed at the colonists by King George III.
You can read the list of grievances for yourself, and you can probably think of some that he has not mentioned. By contrast, the revolutionary generation revolted over less, but then the goverment they revolted against was far away. Today it is everywhere, and everwhere oppressive. The fact is that Marxism, of whatever stripe, and our Founding with its God given inalienable rights are profoundly incompatible. We need to decide which we will be.

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