Monday, July 4, 2022

It May Be Time to Admit That Some in Our Polity Are In Thrall to Satan

 Today is the 4th of July.  A day to celebrate the founding of the United States of America with its divinely inspired Constitution.  Last night, we heard fire works going off within a mile of our house.  This happens every year, and we will no doubt hear more tonight.

But it is also a time to face up to some realities.  Inflation is burning through our pay checks.  Gasoline is becoming unaffordable.  Food shortages are predicted, and already there is a shortage of baby formula.  Meanwhile Biden tells us to suck it up because this is a time of war.  Really? Is what is going on in Ukraine really our war?  If it is so important to defend Ukraine's borders, what about our own?  Shouldn't we secure our own borders before we run around the world securing other people's borders?

Then there is the obvious meddling in the various Republican primaries to try to ensure that either way, either a Democrat or a RINO gets elected. Krystal Matthews, South Carolina Senate candidate suggested Democrats run as "secret sleepers" in Republican primaries. I think this has been going on for years, actually. Then there are the out of state billionaires trying to buy an Arizona Senate seat. This display shows Democrats dislike of Democracy itself, for they don't want to let the people choose.

Today at Kevin McCullough tells us Why the Left Truly Is Evil, (Not Stupid!) And by the Left, he means the entire Democrat party at all levels. McCullough gives a number of examples, from the vehement hatred of anything to do with the Make America Great Again agenda and the blatent lies of Trump coorperating with Russia. Then there is the worship of Moloch as they shout their abortions, meanwhile advocating for the release of murderers and rapists. In New York, they have just disarmed pretty much everyone except the criminals.

In America this minute leftists can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt. They are pushing an agenda that is evil. They are hellbent on accomplishing it and they are saying so publicly.
When asked directly by a CNN anchor on live camera, “What do you say to a family who can’t afford $4.85 a gallon for months, much less years?”
Brian Deese a top economic advisor to *President Biden responded in essence by saying that the “stakes are too high” and that this is about “the future of the liberal world order,” and that they’d “have to stand firm.”
In other words families who can’t afford to pay double or triple for the energy they need to merely survive must absorb the punch to the face and make the sacrifice for the greater good. And if we can’t do so, tough bananas our sacrifice will have been worth it all.
They are willing to impose suffering onto the people they work for in order to bring about their newly enlightened, “we know better than you,” reality. This is Hitler gassing humans, Thanos snapping his finger, Stalin executing dissidents, and Bin Ladin toppling buildings—all for some greater good.
And it’s not just energy, this group doesn’t care if babies have formula, your family has food, or if women bleed out from their monthly cycles.
Please, gentle readers, please read all of McCullough's article. Then ask yourself if July 4, 2022 might not be the day that we finally admit that there is a large segment of the polity that is in thall to Satan

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