Thursday, July 13, 2023

Massachusetts Takes the Instramentality Approach To Violence

 Yesterday evening, Andrea Widburg of the American Thinker had a post about recent attempts by the Massachusetts legistlature to thumb their noses at the Supreme Court of the United States by enacting even more draconian gun laws. Note that Massachusetts already has some of the most draconian and frankly insane gun laws on the books. Here article can be found at Massachusetts is once again gunning for your guns. What's disturbing here is the display once again of the instramentality approach to violence. The instramentality approach says that the instrament causes the crime. Thus, when a gun is used, it is the gun's fault, not the human wielding the gun. I suppose that Leftists must believe that the gun jumps out of the holster and begins shooting people on its own accord.  But of course a gun is an inanimate object that has no motivating power of its own.  You would think that so called "smart" people would be easily able to discern the falacy of that arguement, but they seem to keep beating that drum.

Widburg embeds a warning from the Gun Owners of America with quotes as follows:

The omnibus gun control bill:
Redefines “Assault-style firearm” to be more extensive and bans ALMOST ALL semi-automatic firearms from civilian ownership.
Redefines “firearm” into a broader term that includes even stun guns.
Mandates “safe storage” procedures, locking up guns against your will.
Mandates REGISTRATION of all guns and feeding devices.
Confusing language for new MA residents and on the serialization of guns.
Mandates reporting any parts modifications to firearms.
Mandates reporting an itemized list of parts when modifying or building a gun.
Mandates serializing of feeding devices (magazines).
Mandates that privately made guns need to be registered within 7 days.
Bans anyone under 21 from acquiring or carrying semi-automatic rifles or shotguns.
Forces new requirements for firearms retailers.
Forces new training mandates for law-abiding gun owners.
Adds additional prohibited areas where even licensed individuals cannot defend themselves with a firearm.

Note that several of these new requirements are either silly or redundant. For instance, any gun that is found at a crime scene can be traced by a request to the ATF. Requiring registration of all guns and feeding devices is unnecessary.  And serialization of all feeding magazines...seems downright silly. Magazines are as likely to be stolen as the gun is.  This is just an attempt to challenge the Supreme Court to strike down another state law as they did with Bruen while pandering to the Leftists in their state. Gentle readers are encouraged to go read Andrea Widburg's post.

Meanwhile, Mark Lewis over at has a great piece on some tragic news out of China where a madman (obviously) stabbed 6 people including 3 children at a kindergarten class in Southern China:

If there is one thing you can be absolutely certain about in life, it is that liberals are wrong (except by accident), they are ALWAYS wrong, they are inconsistent because they are wrong, but mainly, they are the worst hypocrites on earth. Note the following example.
Recently, a knife-wielding maniac killed six people (three children) in a kindergarten in a southern city in China. This isn’t the first such tragedy in China, they seem to happen with some degree of regularity there. Tragic to the nth degree, especially when the victims are children

I thought Obama said that these things only happened in America.  Hmmm.  In any case, Lewis points out that Mao took away the guns of the population years ago...for their own safety...wink, wink. It is too bad that there is no marking in HTML for "sarcasm" because this next quote should be enclosed with such markings.

A series of knife attacks targeting children, one Monday in Guangdong province, have raised public concerns about school safety and mental health.”
Raised public concerns about “school safety and mental health.” Nooooo. Some wise liberal in America needs to tell the ChiComs that it isn’t the person with the knife or even the protection of the children that is the problem; it’s the weapon itself! Dumb ChiComs. Don’t they know that weapons kill people? Well, they do have a great fear of people with weapons, so they took away all the guns from the masses in their country. Still, some brain-dead conservatives think it was because they didn’t want people shooting back when the government decided to slaughter untold masses of “counter-revolutionaries” and “unreliable elements” (aka “rightists”). It had nothing to do with that and everything to do with not wanting “gun-owning” maniacs breaking into kindergartens and killing children. Everybody knows that’s why the CCP took away people’s guns.
So, now we reach the truth. As liberals tell us, it’s the gun, always the gun, only the gun. China took away their people’s guns so “Han-supremacists” couldn’t commit mass murder against children, right?
Well...maybe not so much...
I think—but I could be wrong here—that even American Leftists understand (though they won’t admit it) that Mao Zedong confiscated the Chinese people’s firearms so they couldn’t protect themselves against the mass-murdering tyranny of the CCP. Just like the Democratic Party wants to do in America—and for the exact same reason. As James Madison said (and all Leftists in China and America and elsewhere know): “Disarm the people. That is the best and most effective way to enslave them.”

Here Lewis exposes for all to see the real reason the far left Fascist Democrats are firmly against guns. It is in the quote from Madison: "Disarm the people. That is the best and most effective way to enslave them" Gun control, the instramentality theory of violence, is only a cover to go after the law abiding gun owners property. They can't admit that the problem of violence of whatever stripe is the criminals themselves.

But here we come upon yet another dilemma, that of the truly disturbed among us. Leftists will use any tool and twist it to their own ends. So it is with mental health. In the old Soviet Union, so called "psychiatrists" posited that anyone who did not hew to the government line must be insane, so that a fair number of dissidents were confined as mental defectives. Of course this use of psychology denies the humanity of man. We must be extremely careful to hold people accountable for their actions, not their thoughts. Cain killed Able with a rock in the first recorded murder. But God held Cain accountable, not the rock. We should emulate God's example.

Update:  D. Parker has more on the knife attack against 6 people in China in an article at the American Thinker entitled Every mass shooting is a gungrabbing-ghoul fundraiser. Parker makes the point that the Fascist far Left doesn't actually care about crime, crime victims, drive by shootings or anything that does not advance their narrative of confiscating guns. Read D. Parker's article as well.

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