Monday, July 24, 2023

The Issue Is Not The Issue

 As Saul Alinsky noted, the issue is never the issue.  The real issue is to advance the revolution giving Leftists ultimate power.  So it is with the global change alarmism.  All the talk about how the world will end in "12 years" is just to scare the public into giving up their lifestyle and freedom in the name of climate change, while accepting a totalitarian government.  Whatever means necessary, right?  It is all farce.

My current reading list includes a book by Nicolette Hahn Niman entitled Defending Beef: The Ecological and Nutritional Case For Meat. She cites many many research papers and demonstration projects that show that properly managed cattle grazing returns desertified soils to health, while actually sequestering between 1.2 and 1.5 tons of CO2 in the soil per year. They thus support the grasslands, the soil microfauna and microflora, and bring great biodiversity to the environment, while providing humans with tasty and nutrient dense food.

One thing that bothers me about her book is that she evidently buys into the global climate change hoax, and is at great pains to show that contrary to the claim that beef is a generator of green house gases (GHG), in fact properly managed cattle herds have a net negative affect on GHG. Of course she is right, but like everything else, since the issue is never the issue, her presentation of fact after fact debunking the claims falls on deaf ears. So sad, because so many people can be helped out of poverty and malnutrition by using the methods she endorses.

(As an aside, I have been on what is termed a "carnivore diet" for about a month and a half now, and have noticed improvements in my health already.  I no longer struggle to climb stairs and even do so while carrying 5 gallon water bottles.  I am mentally more alert, and have noted my upper body strength returning.  But I digress; back to the subject at hand.)

So, it seems, a new book by Judith A. Curry, Ph.D. Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response will be ignored by the climate alarmists. Ms. Curry, a geoscientist has teamed up with a mathematician to discover that climate models can not accurately predict the weather 100 years from now. I could have told her that 20 years ago. The models metorologist use to predict the weather now can not predict with any certainty what will happen in 24 hours. It is hubris to think they can know what will happen in 100 years. But of course the climate models touted by the UN IPCC was never meant to accurately predict the climate, but was there as a beard for climate alarmists to point to when scaring the public.

At the American Thinker today Jerome R. Corsi has an excellent book report on Curry's book entitled A Leading Climate Scientist Expresses Dout About the Veracity of the Global Warming Movement.

In her new book, Curry acknowledges that a changing climate “has been the norm throughout the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history.” She refuses to abandon the idea that we humans “are also changing atmospheric composition by increasing the emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases,” but she adds an important caveat:
This redefinition of “climate change” to refer only to human-caused changes to the atmospheric composition has effectively eliminated natural climate change from the public discussion.
The result is that the common parlance refers to “climate change,” with no mention of natural climate variability. Any change that is observed over the past century is now implicitly assumed to be caused by human emissions to the atmosphere. This assumption leads to connecting every unusual weather or climate event to human-caused climate change from fossil fuel emissions. Having acknowledged that climate change is the “norm” throughout the Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history, Curry understands that this politicized attribution of all climate change to humans burning hydrocarbon fuels is nonsense.
You could knock me down with a feather. For those of you interested in the actual facts, you will appreciate the article, and might want to get Curry's book. But don't expect it to change anybody's mind on the other side. For them, the issue is not about the issue. It's about how to enslave you and me as if we were machines to do their bidding.

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