Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Will to Power

Mark Lewis, in his article The Will to Power the sort of people who rise to and hold onto power for dear life. They are not the best or brightest of us either. Rather they tend to be mediocre individuals, frustrated that nobody else recognizes their incredible wonderfulness. These are exactly the people who should be denied power.

Total power is not something people of strong character feel a need to possess; it is the provenance of the weak: mediocre, unfulfilled individuals of extreme arrogance, who have few moral scruples, and almost no capacity to control their actions, their emotions, their lusts, and their passions—the most dangerous human beings imaginable.
Power consumes those whose vanity and narcissism motivate them to fanciful and never-ending delusions of superiority. Within the human breast, power has its own organic life, worse than the most malignant cancer, ever-growing, never shrinking, with no medicine for its cure, constantly needing to be fed, and that only with more and more of its own kind—the insatiable monster who can never be satisfied, even at the cost of mountains of human skulls. It becomes a disease, an interminable, incurable malady that may not end even at death—it is often passed on to disciples. It is more intoxicating than alcohol or the most addictive drug known to man. Like the hopeless druggie, those craving and possessing power must constantly have their “fix,” and the drug must be increasingly more potent, more costly, and more destructive, to themselves and to others. When conquered by the will to power, a person convinces themselves they are omnipotent, that only they possess certainty, everybody else is inferior, that they alone have the answers, that the noble ends they seek justify whatever means they deem necessary to obtain them, because, in their high-minded vain egotism, only they have the betterment of mankind in view, and that the world simply cannot survive without their guidance. Those who oppose them are opposing Truth, the Only Truth, the True Progress of Humanity, and thus are evil, and must be silenced by any means necessary. And after extinguishing countless human hopes, dreams, and lives, they sit atop the pile, congratulating themselves on the “utopia” they have built, but ever vigilant for more dragons who need slaying. That is power. That isn’t strength, that is uncontrolled human weakness to its most malevolent extreme. It is the story of human history.

The fact is that we have a ruling class in Washington, DC today that is controlled by such people as Lewis describes. And it infects both parties. Joe Biden is 80 years old, and wants another 4 years. But there is Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Grassly, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell to name a few. Even Trump, for that matter. Most of these people are mainly interested in retaining power, and not in the needs of their constituents. If they cared for their constituents, they would have collectively defended the border, maintained a strong defense of the homeland while avoiding foreign wars, kept our industries and jobs at home, supported our energy industries, and kept their noses out of things like education that are not in the federal charter.

Well, maybe demented Diane Feinstein is his (Biden's) equal. Grassley. McConnell. Pelosi. How many other septua- and octogenarians exist in Washington who have plagued the nation for most of their adult lives? On both sides of the aisle, not just Democrats. They aren’t serving the people, they are inflating themselves in their own eyes. And destroying the country in the process. They want one thing—glory in their vision of themselves. They are no wiser than most Americans, they are only more conceited. Look at the mess they have created in Washington and around the country. Could any other group of people have done any worse?
Believe it or not, nobody is indespensable. What we need is to limit government...a lot...and elect those who don't really have much interest in being there.

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