Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Left Is The Aggressor...Always

 Not sure what I said to cause the folks over at the Gun Blog Black List to delete my blog Standing By. Perhaps someone might inform me of my offense. However, as they do consolidate a lot of Second Amendment related postings, and this was always a Second Amendment blog, I will keep them on Standing By. I do not ask people to agree with everything on here, but rather to think about what I and others say. If you find after doing so that you may have changed your mind, then I have been of use to you. And even if you don't change your mind, you have better arguments to debate the issues with others.  That is a win too.  In any case, I find your comments equally compelling, and try to answer them so you know that I did read them.

With that out of the way, let us go on to a thought provoking post today at the American Thinker entitled The Assault On Our Rights Is Not Sustainable by John Green. I would note that this sort of article is appearing more frequently, and I think it is more of a warning that unless the Left ceases its aggression against us, the results will not be pleasant. Green offers several alternatives, one of which is not unlike Kurt Schlichter's novel People's Republic. Unfortunately, the Left reads these articles, and they believe that their plan is working! The Left wants, desperately, for us to "fire the first shot." Look how gleefully the media rub their hands together whenever there is a mass shooting and they immediately lay the blame at the feet of the Right, only to have to back off when once again it is shown to be one of theirs that committed the crime. They want to round us up and kill us, they hate America that much.  Hate of course is a powerful weapon, but it destroys the hater.

Now, looking at the article itself, Green is a pains to show that it is the Left that has aggressed in every circumstance. When someone offers debate, they rather respond with attacks on the dissenter's very well being. This bad faith effort has the effect of silencing disagreement, but it does not convince anyone, and so grievences build up.

The Left is big on de-escalation of conflict. They insist on talk rather than action to address rioting, theft, and even violent assault. The one place where they will not use it is in politics. De-escalation of political conflict would require them to do something they are loath to -- debate ideas. The left is instead attacking our right to speech.
Try disagreeing with any element of leftist orthodoxy and see what happens. Challenging any of their core positions will not be met with robust debate, but with insults, cancellation, and even physical attack. Challenge them on:
Climate change -- you’re a denier.
Trans grooming of children -- you’re a homophobe.
Affirmative action -- you’re a racist.
Abortion -- you’re anti-human rights.
2020 election -- you’re part of the big lie.
The Left insists that words can be a form of assault. That’s a silly assertion that one’s opinion is somehow harmful to others. However, they use that claim as justification for “cancellation,” which really is an attack on the well-being of others. In the name of protecting against the harm of differing opinions:
Pundits are deplatformed for challenging leftist narratives,
Teachers are fired for stating scientific facts,
Citizens are doxed or swatted for expressing opinions,
Attorneys are threatened with disbarment for representing unfavored clients, and
Medical licenses of doctors are challenged for opposing government/pharmaceutical industry recommendations.
Cancellation is a genuine attack on the physical wellbeing of those targeted.

The above list is by no means exhaustive. Our grievences go back decades. Remember the Fast and Furious scandal in which the ATF forced FFL dealers to allow cartel straw buyers to buy guns, and walk them across the border to the drug cartels? Or the IRS targeting of conservative groups under the leadership of Lois Lerner? Or even older, what about the murder of Viki Weaver at Ruby Ridge. Green goes on to state that our grievences remain unresolved and warns that this situation must end at some point

There will be a future other than the consolidated power the Left craves. Our polarization cannot continue indefinitely, and it will not resolve while our grievances remain unaddressed. Our current path is unsustainable. There will either be resolution or dissolution.
While it is not irreversible yet, dissolution is already underway. Americans are sorting themselves between blue and red states on the basis of ideology. A massive migration is underway. When the sorting is complete, the United States will cease to be “united.” The reds will pursue God, freedom, and capitalism; while the blues pursue Gaia, central control, and communism. We may yet see how that turns out, but recognize that divorce is rarely pleasant.
Alternatively, we can keep our union if we resolve our differences. That can be done verbally or nonverbally.
Verbal resolution would require us to stop cancelling each other and talk. We would need to reach a compromise that we can live with -- not on basic human rights, but on the social issues that animate both sides.
Nonverbal resolution will happen if we dispense with the debate, and work to crush each other with boycotts, censorship, cancellation, ostracization, or even violence. Nonverbal resolution will require us to fight it out until one side surrenders. In this scenario, one side will win and the other will lose. This appears to be the preferred path of the Left.

On taking the verbal approach, the thing that not up for negotiation or compromise is reality itself. The Left is currently involved in attempting to make everyone believe that things that we can see, feel, touch, hear and taste are not real. This is happening on a thousand different levels. An example is the transgender movement. Anyone with half a brain can see that a woman is a woman and a man is a man from the moment of conception. One either has XX or XY chromosomes, and these will not change no matter what one wishes, no matter what is cut off by "surgeons." Even the Left, I am convinced knows this. But the Left is trying to bully you and me into denying the facts. If they can get us to deny the facts, they have us. It will take guts and determination to run this course, but this is our way out.

Otherwise, we face the nonverbal resolution...

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