Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Left's Fatal Conceit.

Long ago I noted that the Karens of the world were constantly sucking the joy out of pretty much anything the touched in life.  Trick or treat Halloween night used to be a fun night with little pranks and children receiving sweet treats.  Then the Karens stepped in and everyone had to worry that razor blades would lace apples and poison would be injected into candies.  Better to go about begging for dollars for UNISEF.  The message was to give up your joy, children, and do the adults' virtue signaling for them.  But as a child thinks, why bother?

In yesterday's American Thinker Asher Pat had a piece that points out some of the ways the Left (and the Karens of the world are Leftists) keeps stealing the joy and the convenience out of life for the average guy. The article is entitled The Left's War on Joy, and was inspired in turn by an article at the National Review entitled The War on Things That Work.  And example would be air conditioners in the old days used a substance called Freon for coolant.  But the hole in the ozone layer hoax inevitably led to less effective coolants.  Some automobiles have such weak air conditioners that they barely out perform swamp coolers.  

The average Western household is hardly aware of busybodies’ plans to ban or sabotage convenience appliances, from dishwashers to leaf-blowers. They also don’t know that, for years, the water flow in US showerheads is restricted so that they don’t fully enjoy their showers. In the same way, in Europe, vacuum cleaners are less powerful than required for best performance.
A recent article in the National Review entitled “The War on Things that Work“ describes a crusade by what the article calls “the Environmentalist Left” against “convenience” and against “things that work”.
But even more than convenience, the people behind the ungodly and anti-human ideology of Wokeism are after things that we, the humans, crave. “They” are after our joy.
The justification to reduce joy is often, although not solely, “Climate” or “limited resources,” but this nihilistic ideology invariably seeks and finds the rationale to oppose the things that make humans happy.

Pat then launches into a list of some of the most recent things the Left insists will heal the planet if we use them instead of our current "wasteful" appliances that unnecessarily increase our carbon footprint. Most of them either don't really work as well as what they replaced and cause us to have to spend more, get less, and often waste our time. These include things like red meat, mostly from cattle. Cattle, properly raised on grass are the natural and ancient food source for people, providing us with meat, fats, vitamins and minerals as well as leather to protect our bodies from the environment. Gas appliances such as stoves. Up until WWII many people cooked and heated their homes by burning coal of wood. In my own case, both sets of grandparents did this. My mother's parents switched to gas early in the 1950s. Baking on wood was more of an art than a science, as temperatures could not easily be controlled. Gas ranges are also critical to the modern chef because the temperature of the cooking surface can be infinitely adjusted to precisely where you want it. Electric ranges are far inferior to gas. Coffee is even on the block, as some have claimed that coffee farming hurts the planet. First of all, I don't believe them. But I also start my day with a rich espresso, and often end it that way too, and don't see any reason why it should change.

I have experienced already too many of the Left's "great ideas" that don't work as advertised. I switched out regular light bulbs for these more expensive supposedly energy saving light bulbs that, if the lasted as long as claimed, would save me money. But they do not. I bought a low flow toilet, because I had to. You can't buy one that isn't low flow. Now after using the toilet for its intended purpose, I often have to flush three times to get go down. That doesn't seem like I am saving water. These are just the first steps, mind you. They are not done by a long shot. The Left will not be happy, or at least as happy as the Left can be, until everyone but them is reduced to serfdrom or slavery.

The Left is composed of people who refuse to acknowledge the God of creation, and instead like the evil one, insist that they are gods.  As a result, the Left does not recognize the natural rights of men, and instead insist that these rights are theirs to grant or not as they please. Sooner or later they will have to be disabused of these notions. It is the Left's fatal conceit.

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