Monday, July 10, 2023

Trump Has A Big Job Ahead

 I hate to keep highlighting the same authors works, but some people hit the nail squarely on the head more often than others.  In this case, J. B. Shurk has an excellent post at the American Thinker entitled DC Should Be Renamed for Benedict Arnold. It could almost be our new Declaration of Independence it list so many crimes committed by our government in our name against us.

There is no doubt in my mind that if General George Washington were alive to see how the permanent political class had defiled his good name, he would raze D.C. to the ground. "But George," I imagine Martha pleading, "there surely are some good people in the nation's capital who still serve the Republic."
"I don't think so. They celebrate baby murder, educate children inside brothels, tax the people to death, corruptly enrich themselves, and send the poorest to fight foreign wars for vague reasons."
"In that case, wait here; I'll go grab the torches." Martha was a patriotic and courageous first lady, who was never so insecure that she required strangers to address her as "Doctor."
If the denizens of D.C. had even the slightest inclination toward honesty, they would rename their little swampland after Benedict Arnold, a man whose capacity for betrayal they all secretly emulate. The filthy cesspool of narcissists and thieves rules over most of North America and a good chunk of the globe, but it is despised by pretty much anyone on the planet not making a buck from the crony Capitol-ism that fuels the whole rotten system.

Thereupon, Shurk begins to list in exquisite fury the many crimes of which the Leftist Deep State and politicians stand accused. They include the open Southern border, which is allowing fentanyl into the country, Planned Parenthood's murder of 60 million innocent unborn, its two tiered (in)justice system, its constant drumming up of foreign wars into which it feeds American lives. I could add its devaluation of masculinity, its pushing of gay and lesbian lifestyle along with grooming our children. And of course there is the Biden Crime Family. While the Republican House fusses and fumes, there is a 0% chance that Biden will actually be impeached let alone put in prison. All the evidence appears to show that Biden has sold out America to the Chinese, yet the Republicans will in the end do nothing.

In addition, I have often called the Republican party the stupid party. This is not because I thought Republicans were mentally deficient. No, they are often pretty smart. But they have a knack for snatching defeat from the hands of victory. Why is that? I think Shurk has answered that question. Shurk implies that the Republicans play the role in the Deep States game of offering the voters the illusion of a choice. In return, of course, the Republicans get rich, find golden parachutes for themselves with think tanks and media outlets. While I think some members of the Republican party are honorable men and women, my disgust with the party leadership knows no bounds.

I wish I could say that Republicans in D.C. are capable of righting the ship at some point. I wish the party of Lincoln still had real principles and served some greater purpose aside from providing the appearance of an electoral choice for voters. For decades, though, it has been the home of too many backstabbing neoconservatives all too willing to vote for Hillary Clinton and underhanded Uniparty co-conspirators working for Marxist globalism and against the American people. In reality, most Republican officeholders are shiny hood ornaments whose function is to distract the public while the Deep State barrels down the road, hitting innocent pedestrians.
Have you noticed how little Republicans actually get done when Donald Trump is not in town? They do a lot of loud huffing and puffing but follow up with little in the way of concrete action. While unethical prosecutors and judges lock up Trump confidants and supporters for their political beliefs, Republican leaders do nothing. While the Department of (in)Justice pursues a potential life sentence against President Trump, Republican leaders are silent. When thoughtcrimes, censorship, and political persecution run rampant, the time for half-measures has ended.
Commie-leaning rags habitually run headlines claiming that Republicans have "pounced" on some issue; conservative publications run headlines applauding Republicans for having "sounded the alarm." I don't know about you, but the Republican Party reminds me of a bunch of kitty-cat Karens who struggle to do anything more than report their problems to the manager. In a time when only lions will do, the house cats in D.C. just add stink to the litter box.

America has always been somewhat flawed, as all human institutions unfortunately are, but we were definitely seen as being on the side of the angels. We were a place where people wanted to come becuase these United States offered opportunities not available in their native countries. Biden didn't do it all, but he has accelerated the destruction of the United States and seems to be handing us over to the fascist far Left.

But if Trump is to be successful, he needs to go into his second term armed with a long list of people to fire, prosecute, put in prison, or send to somewhere in Alaska where they can not do any harm. In addition, he needs to have some legislation prepared for Congressional action which takes back some of the power slowly sent to the Executive and returns it to the Legislative where it belongs. That would include getting rid of entire agencies whose perview is outside of the Constitutional powers granted to the Federal government. Things like the Education Department belong with each state. Besides getting rid of the deep state, Trump should also slim down the government to eliminate some of the resistence to not only Trump but future presidents. Trump has a big job, and a short time to do it. He should be working on it.

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