Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Note To Zillionaires

 David Codrea has a piece at Ammoland entitled Elites Worried About Violent Rebellion Fear Monster They Helped Create that points to a number of zillionaires who are expressing fear of the "masses." The first thing I have to tell them is to stop calling us "masses." Masses implies that we are all alike, whereas we are each individuals. Other than than, let Codrea tell the story"

“The multi-billionaire owner of luxury jewelry company Cartier has revealed his greatest fear – robots replacing workers and the poor rising up to bring down the rich,” the U.K.’s Independent reports. “Speaking at the Financial Times Business of Luxury Summit in Monaco (obviously), the fashion tycoon told his fellow elite that he can’t sleep at the thought of the social upheaval he thinks is imminent.”
Johann Rupert’s first concern is that “the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.” Then he realizes “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”
What’s unfair? That the middle class is being destroyed or that it will affect insulated “One-Percenters”?
It’s how it will affect them that should keep him up at night, along with recognizing whose platform calls “the lower middle-class masses … the most dangerous enemies of the dictatorship of the proletariat.” (Gun-owning union member who vote Democrat, take note, and of the term “useful idiot.”)
Codrea points to other billionaires who have expressed concern that they will soon be the targets of "the masses" because of their wealth. I have news for these people. It is not because of their great wealth. While some may have come by it by...let's say not so kosher is their constant push for gun control that would be the real danger. People who do not trust you can not be trusted. And if the push politicians to confiscate guns in order to protect themselves from what they perceive as the "masses"...well:
And that means all the elites who bet on disarming their “middle class” countrymen and canceling any competitors who didn’t go all out genuflecting to the DEI/Woke complex will need to rely on private security to keep their cowering hides out of the tumbrels and off the scaffolds.
“What makes these billionaires think their security details won’t have families of their own that will be their first concerns, especially the worse things turn out to be?” l asked in another JPFO article about billionaires trying to ride out the Apocalypse they helped bring about on remote ranches, in luxury bunkers, in “sea castles”? “Men may die for a lot of things, for loved ones, for convictions, for country… but for their boss?”
And what’s to stop hired gun mercenaries from deciding the boss has paid for a pretty nice setup, electricity, plenty of food, top-shelf booze, and he’s powerless to prevent them from taking it, and maybe his trophy squeeze, for themselves?
Ironically, the main impediment to any of this happening is what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State,” an armed citizenry capable of organizing and repelling “enemies foreign and domestic,” the very people these myopic billionaires in their arrogance and hubris are helping to finance AstroTurf citizen disarmament edicts against. And not coincidentally, these are the “middle classes,” or “bourgeoisie,” working “traditional” Americans, that the totalitarian-minded are stirring up envy, entitlement demands, resentment, and murderous rage against.
Codrea is correct; we won't be disarmed. We have seen what disarming did to others in Armenia, in Nazi Germany, in the Soviet Union, and what will surely happen here.  So, zillionaires, enjoy your wealth.  You only earned it because of American laws that recognize property rights.  So stop pushing leftist causes and gun control.

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