Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Inevitable Purge

 Mark Lewis presents part 4 of his series on the Chinese Communist Party revolution at Townhall.com entitled The Left's Culture of Death IV: Then Cometh the Purge. It is inevitable that at some point, the Leftist dictators must begin to kill large numbers of those who actually believed that the revolution was really all about equality, and whatever else the Left had promised. It isn't, of course. It never is.  Note that many have been killed by simple starvation, as is being proposed with the new desire to eliminate chemical fertilizers and to kill the cows.  We can already see the results in Sri Lanka.  

On a cold day in February 1952, a crowd of 21,000 gathered in Baoding, Hebie province China, to watch the “trial” and execution of two people. Not unusual in Mao Zedong’s China of the time, except for their identities—two high ranking members of the Communist Party. They were both sentenced and shot. “Only if we execute the two of them can we prevent twenty, two hundred, two thousand or twenty thousand corrupt officials from committing various crimes,” Mao said. “Their deaths were meant to serve as a warning to others in the party.” (Frank Dikötter, The Tragedy of Liberation, Chapter 8, “The Purge”)
The above was only the beginning of more slaughter, this time of CCP members. The “purge” always happens. After they silence “counter-revolutionary” opposition, Leftists eliminate (usually after charges of “corruption”) all “unreliable elements”—that is, those actually naive enough to have believed all the “egalitarian” rhetoric. “Socialism!” “Egalitarianism!” “The Great Revolution!” Folks, Leftist “revolutions” are never about these things. They are only about power, and so, to keep down opposition from “true believers” who really want “equality”, they line them up against the wall and shoot them, too. Read about Stalin’s Great Terror in the late-1930s. American Democratic Party “true believers” who think it will be different here are in for a rude awakening when their back is against a wall facing a firing squad. I’m warning you liberals in advance. But I know you won’t listen. Remember me at your last breath.
I want to say to the journalists, the academics, the twitter mobs (who may be bots actually) the transgender idiots, the BLM and Antifa anarchists and all the rest who have supported the Democrats so well that I will be sorry to see you treated this way. But you have been warned numerous times. This is only the latest warning. You want to destroy the best form of government that man has been able to devise, and replace it with what is described in Lewis's article. Frankly, forgiveness requires two things: 1) true repentence and 2) you must ask for it. Since neither is forthcoming, I will not forgive you. You can go to your graves and remember that you have been warned.   I would not even ask God to have mercy on your souls, because you knew what you were doing.

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