Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A Lutheran Pastor Blesses the RNC

 The Republican National Convention began yesterday.  These things are usually incredibly boring, full of "hurray for our side" rhetoric.  This RNC was different, and interesting.  Interesting in that a union leader, the president of the Teamsters Union, no less, spoke at the convention!  And the announcement of J. D. Vance as Vice President on the Republican ticket was pure political genius!  The MSM were making out that it was a bone thrown to the next generation of leaders, but I took it at face value.  If something happens to Trump, Vance will continue with his agenda.  It is both smart, and fully recognizes the roll of the VP.

One other thing that made this RNC interesting was the invocation from a Lutheran pastor of a Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregation. Gentle readers should just go to the linked article at twitchy and watch. The prayer and the priestly blessing from Numbers 6:24-26 were pure Lutheranism. But what made it stand out was the imitation of Trump's mannerisms that Trump found funny before the seriousness of the invocation. It will warm readers hearts, so go and watch.

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