Sunday, July 7, 2024

The American People Deserve and FBI That Acts Within the Scope of the Constitution

 Mike McDaniel has an eye-opening post on the FBI at the American Thinker entitled FBI fidelity, bravery, integrity? After noting that per the Navy, it is incurring 2 to 3 attempts by foreign actors to gain entrance to its basis every week, and we can expect the other services are seeing the same, that the FBI ignores these apparent espionage attempts. Each one should be thoroughly investigated. But the FBI is too busy busting grandmothers for praying on a sidewalk outside an abortion center.

Obviously, President Biden, or more accurately, his handlers, are to blame for this state of affairs. But what about the FBI? They have some small responsibility for detecting, intercepting and suppressing espionage and terrorism. One would think their response to this mounting threat would be all-hands-on-deck and damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.
One would think wrongly.


But what about rank and file agents? Shouldn’t they all speak up, rise up, put a stop to what are clearly practices that threaten national security? Shouldn’t they all stand strong for the Constitution and the “fidelity, bravery, integrity” of the FBI motto?
Witness what has happened to whistleblowers and even to agents FBI brass merely suspected of political unreliability.
I’ve long maintained should a desperate government direct the FBI and our military to “pacify” fellow Americans, they wouldn’t get quite the response they expect. To be sure FBI agents are even now going forth to intimidate Americans for daring to speak out against the government. But if things got western, I’d like to believe most FBI agents wouldn’t play along. I’d like to believe that.
Unfortunately, the FBI is limited to recruiting from the human race, and agents have families, mortgages, and pensions about which to worry. It’s clear many of them are appalled by what they’re expected to do, but they do it anyway. They go along to get along in the hope they can eventually retire and be done with it. Some do it because they think they’re going to be on the winning side. Some hang in there in the hope of tempering the worst excesses of their superiors. Some just like having power over others.

McDaniel doesn't say so, but it seems fairly clear that something needs to be done. Either the FBI needs to be disbanded, or it needs to be rebuilt with people whose fidelity to the Constitution is undisputed. Indeed, the American people deserve to have all of their federal officials acting within the scope of the Constitution. That is what we signed onto in 1788. As for the FBI, it is no less that the American people deserve. Please read the whole post. Meanwhile, I have to get ready for church.

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