Sunday, July 28, 2024

They Are Telling Us Who They Are

 At RedState today, Neil W. McCabe has a story entitled Bishop Barron on Paris Olympics Drag 'Last Supper': Would They've Dared Mock Islam in a Similar Way? The answer, in case you have to guess is 'No.' In Islam, there is a lot of killing. Family members can "honor" kill female relatives who bring perceived disgrace on their family. Then there is the constant and always admonishment to kill the Jews. And of course, along with the Jews, they are allowed to kill any so-called infidel they run into and which they can get away with killing. So, the French and the Olympic officials are rightly scared of the Muslims. Anyone who invites them into his or her country is either incredibly naive or a traitor.

Christians, on the other hand, should obey the Commandments of the LORD, so simply murdering a person is out. Self-defense is required, but if you can do it without killing, you should.  Revenge is never allowed. Otherwise, a Christian risks his eternal soul. So, of course, the French and the Olympic officials feel free to make fun of the central sacrament of Christian life, the last supper.

The bishop of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, who is one of the most Catholic media voices, called out the theatrical opening of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris for mocking Christianity and the Last Supper, and asked if the Olympic organizers would consider insulting the Muslim faith.
“A question I would pose--we all know the answer to it: ‘Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way?’” asked Bishop Robert E. Barron, who is also the founder of the “Word on Fire” ministry, in an X-post.


“They're telling us who they are,” he said. “We should believe them, but furthermore, we Christians--we Catholics--should not be sheepish. We should resist. We should make our voices heard.”

Elsewhere I have noted that the modern Left started with the French Revolution. During the reign of terror that followed, they killed and imprisoned priests, monks and nuns, and turned cathedrals into "temples of reason." They kicked God out of the public square and reaped the reward. This is, sadly, who they are. Bishop Barron is spot on.

Please read the whole post, and check out the embedded video.

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