Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tucker Carlson Speaks to Heritage Foundation Policy Fest

 I happened upon this speech by Tucker Carlson at the Heritage Foundation Policy Fest. What I found very interesting is that Carlson pointed out that we are not in a culture war per se, but a spiritual war. More pointedly, he speaks of those who are representing another person, by which he means the devil, who wants to kill people, to cause chaos and lawlessness.

Please go and watch Carlson's speech. He is fundamentally right about what we face. I have stated that one cannot be a Leftists or Marxist and be Christian. Indeed, the Left wants to destroy Christianity, and they don't want to obliterate any other religion. The old airman's saying that when you are taking flak it means you are over the target. Christians are over the target. We know that the devil was already defeated 2000 years ago. The Lord is just conducting mop up operations. Christians wait on the Lord.

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