Saturday, July 27, 2024

One Can Not Remain Neutral In the Culture War. One Must Pick a Side. Choose Wisely

 Yesterday at the American Thinker Jonathon Gault (a pseudonym, obviously) presented us with an article discussing the generational persistence of the belief in Marxist and Leftist theory despite the perfect record of failure of Leftist policy. In No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face the Consequences, Gault gives a short primer on the utter failure of Leftism to deliver on its promises. Instead, it delivers misery and death every...single...time. At the same time, the people who imposed the Leftist systems upon their neighbors never seem to suffer the consequences.

Perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the Soviet Union’s collapse was a resolute commitment to the infallibility of socialist ideology, coupled with its continued application long after its obvious failure. The failure to learn history and, by extension, internalize the lessons from this dark period is what enables our modern-day Marxists (whom we refer to as “leftists” or “progressives”) to believe that they can somehow avoid the consequences of the policies they promote.
Modern political history shows that these same people almost always avoid any personal liability for the destruction that they’ve wrought. In the Soviet countries, this mindset prevailed until the collapse of that abominable regime in 1991, but not before oppressing, enslaving, and murdering millions.
Unfortunately, this worldview persists even today. Adherence to ideological purity is valued above empirical evidence and objective truth, and is particularly prevalent among miseducated Western leftists who “identify as secular,” whereas those of us who believe in G-d are labeled “superstitious.” These are the archetypical “godless commies.” By traditional standards, they display appalling behavior. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who had experience with this, once said, “If there is no G-d, everything is permitted.”

It makes you wonder, what is the magic that makes people believe this stuff despite the evidence to the contrary? What makes academics cling to the philosophy, or is it a religion? And why are Marxists/Communist/Socialists/Leftists/Progressives so against Christianity and so antisemitic? You know the Democrats have an antisemitic problem among their voters, right?

I will venture a theory that I have had since I began studying Islam. Now, I don't read Arabic, so I have to take the word of people who do, but the Koran and the Bible say two very different things. How to explain this, if they are the words of the same elohim or god? Did God change his mind? Islam of course has an explanation; that those dirty Jews corrupted the Bible. But the Koran itself says that the Bible is true. Well, then...the most likely explanation is that they were written by two very different beings. I believe that the being dictating to Muhammad in that cave was the old devil in the Garden of Eden, the serpent who Jesus tells us is the father of lies and a murder from the start.

And do you notice that while Leftists supposedly find religion to be distasteful superstition, it is really Christianity and Judaism that they hate. But they seem to have a grudging admiration for Islam. Why? Grandmothers are arrested for praying on the sidewalk outside an abortion clinic, yet Muslims can squat down and pray anywhere at any time. Again, why? And why are there so many pro-Hamas supporters in this country? Hamas started the war against Israel, and the normal rules say that Israel has a right to defend itself however they see fit. So why are we trying to impede Israel, our ally?

So, what is my theory? It is that behind Leftism is an intelligence that outlives normal mortal lives. As anyone can see, Leftism has been an utter, unmitigated disaster. Yet it has been on the march in the West for at least 200 years, beginning with the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. We are in a cultural war on the on one level, and we must fight that in the here and now. But on another level, we are also in a spiritual war. That battle was won by Christ on the cross. But like any losing army, the Evil One is intent on doing as much damage as he can before he goes to perdition. In this spiritual war, no one can stay neutral. We must pick a side. Choose wisely.

Ultimately, leftism is a faith, allowing its proponents to believe there must be loopholes in the laws of human nature and causality that apply to a progressive society, allowing its members to “have their cake and eat it, too.” Their well-documented history of misery, deprivation, and abject failure is no bar to their promoting an anti-human, anti-freedom ideology in the belief that somehow, once implemented, they will magically be spared its consequences.
The most vexing aspect of this manifestly self-destructive behavior is the false perception that progressive intentions are somehow more virtuous. When their policies—which must inevitably be judged on their merits (outcomes, not intentions)—consistently fail, progressives will either hypocritically claim success or shamelessly place blame on rivals for “not letting you go far enough.”
Ultimately—and this is something progressives willfully refuse to acknowledge—when the immutable natural laws you refuse to consider still make themselves known, you become trapped by the consequences of your actions. People who are not cultists will look at their failures and learn from them. The left’s cultists never learn, though. They just double down on their failures, even as the American experience collapses in ruins around them.

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