Thursday, July 18, 2024

Has the Holy Spirit Come Upon Trump?

 Does the Holy Spirit currently rest on President Trump?  I happen to believe so.  But for those who do not believe, his close dodging of a bullet, that nonetheless injured him and killed a supporter and injured two others could just be a coincidence.  That's the thing about miracles.  They are seldom obvious.  But I am not alone in believing that Trump was rescued by divine Providence.  J. B. Shurk at the American Thinker certainly thinks so too. And then there is Joy Pullman at The Federalist who believes Jesus Christ Is Trump's Security Detail.

It’s clear by now that the U.S. Secret Service is not a very elite security detail. Random, weaponless rallygoers paid more serious attention to the would-be assassin before he fired than the allegedly professional team assigned to Donald Trump on Saturday. Trump’s security detail did not secure him. Someone else did.
The Person who saved Trump’s life — and our nation from dangerous social unrest — is Jesus Christ. It is not random that wind gusts were present in just the right amount to have shifted the bullet’s course from fatal to flesh wound. It is not accidental that Trump turned his head at precisely the right second to avoid sudden death.


Saturday was not Trump’s day to die. His near-death experience was a very visible divine event displaying to all the world Who holds full power over life and death: Jesus Christ. It is a spiritual shock treatment to increase the faith of those who believe and ignite new faith in those ready to believe.

Please read the entire article. Maybe you already are a believer. Maybe you are just ready to believe. If you read the Gospels, the story seems so ridiculous on its face that it has to be true. Who would make up some of the details if they didn't actually happen? And if they did, that the Gospels are true.  That means the entire Bible is true.  What Good News that is for you and me, indeed all of us.

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