Sunday, July 28, 2024

Who Is the 'Wannabe Dictator' Again?

 D. Parker at the American Thinker today has a short piece entitled Who's the 'wannabe dictator'? The one who wants to take your guns.

What’s the first thing a dictator does when he takes over? Confiscate guns.
What does counterfeit Kamala want to do when she takes over? Confiscate guns.
What has always been the primary obsession of the Un-Democratic Party? Confiscating guns.
To quote the vice president at her first presidential campaign rally:
"We who believe that every person in our nation ... who should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence (applause) will finally pass red flag laws, universal background checks, and an assault weapons ban." (Applause.)


Why is this important? The oft-repeated lie and insult is that President Trump is a “wannabe dictator.” However, he never wants to make the historical first move of a dictator — confiscating guns — while counterfeit Kamala is openly demanding this action. So who is the wannabe dictator?
This is why we need to have solid facts and talking points to refute the incessant lies of the left instantly. The right of self-defense is the canary in the coal mine, the freedom that is always struck down first. It is the demarcation issue between the pro-freedom right and the anti-liberty left.

I encourage gentle readers to read all of D. Parker's post today, and also check out the embedded articles and the Gun Owners of America video.

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