Monday, July 15, 2024

This Won't Be The Last Time Democrats Attempt to Assassinate Trump

At The Federalist last night, Eddie Scarry had a piece entitled This Won't Be The Last Time Democrats Attempt To Assassinate Trump. No, it won't. Indeed, I am surprised it took them this long. They have impeached him twice, conducted innumerable lawfare attempts, all to no avail. He seems to have escaped most of them. In New York they had to rig the law to create a crime out of a legal act to convict him, but he is likely to walk on appeal. What is left but to actually kill him.

As of this writing, there’s little to say about the assassination attempt against the former president other than thank God he’s reportedly okay and deep condolences to anyone at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania who may have suffered serious injuries.
During a campaign rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, video footage shows Donald Trump being struck by something — a bullet — while shots ring in the background and Secret Service agents huddle to protect the former president. He was ultimately carried off stage while pumping his fist into the air.
As this relates to the election — it certainly does — this was predictable.
Democrats and anti-Trumpers have spent the past three years calling the political opposition a life-or-death threat. They claim they’ll be imprisoned and people will die if their opposition gains power, while they themselves attempt to imprison and now kill the opposition.
They called him a fascist. They called him a dictator. They called him Hitler. Literally the front page of New Republic magazine — still influential in Washington, believe it or not — this month portrayed Trump with a tiny mustache to drive home the point.

Unfortunately, this is who these people are. "By any means necessary" is their motto and their byword. Any principle may be bent or broken in pursuit of their goals; in this case it is keeping Trump out of the oval office. Many have proclaimed that Trump is literally Hitler, and wasn't assassinating Hitler a righteous cause? My answer is no, it was not. Yes, Hitler was evil and in thrall to Satan. The German churches should have been more discerning and stood up against Hitler when he sought to harass and then to exterminate the Jews.  Hitler's attempts to create a state religion in his image mocked God.  They should have spoken out more forcefully instead of going along in hopes of being eaten last. But he was duly elected, and it was the people as a whole who should have deposed him.

In the current circumstance, Trump is not anything like a Hitler. He is not and will not be a dictator. Unlike Biden, he actually obeys courts and recognizes other authorities. He will not round up the ladies of The View and put them in camps. But hopefully he will prosecute those who have broken the actual laws. These people have been conducting an insurrection for years and need to be prosecuted. If those are the people the media is trying to protect, well shame on them.

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