Monday, August 26, 2024

Having Jettisoned God, the Democrats Hail Their New Death Cult

 I did not watch the whole DNC convention, but as is usual, I saw enough of the gag-worthy event to know it was, as one suspects, truly awful.  The first thing I noted about it was that there was a Planned Parenthood (sic) van parked out front of the arena so people could go in and have an abortion or a vasectomy.  In a just world, the organization would be called Planned Non-parenthood.  But we live in Bizzarro World where everything is upside down. The Babylon Bee mocked this open afront to our senses.  The National Catholic Register said in Democrats Double and Triple Down on Abortion:

We won’t know until November whether going all-in for abortion will prove to be a winning strategy electorally for Democrats. But we don’t need to wait another two months to denounce the celebratory and mocking tone of the pro-abortion advocacy on display at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.
It’s immoral and despicable.
The convention’s launch on Aug. 19 coincided with the shocking spectacle of a Planned Parenthood abortion van deliberately parked directly adjacent to the DNC site, the United Center in Chicago, with the obvious complicity of Democratic officials. Planned Parenthood proudly announced beforehand that the van would provide free so-called “medication” abortions via distribution of the deadly drug mifepristone, as well as sterilizations via vasectomy and the distribution of contraception.

Today, at the American Thinker Fay Voshell has an article entitled A Death Cult's Worship Service that tells even the nonbeliever what is manifestly wrong with abortion. It is the killing of innocent children  in the womb. If somebody was killing a child in front of you, would you not react to stop him?  And vasectomy is little better.  But what makes this more shocking is the open celebration of the act.  Voshell calls it a new religious cult, and she is right.

Viewers of the four-day Democratic National Convention were treated to more than a political gathering. They saw a spectacle that has been the equivalent of a four-day-long religious retreat. The services proved that the religious impulse never dies. It just takes on new shapes and forms reflecting the core values of devotees.
Observers saw a number of quasi-religious ceremonies, including a liturgical procession of pilgrims dressed in white costumes symbolizing abortion pills.
Potential converts also were invited to visit a small chapel in the form of a van placed by Planned Parenthood. There, disciples of the religion/political cult could observe the initiation rites deemed necessary for entrance into the realm of the 144,000 chosen of the left.
The Planned Parenthood high priests offered initiates the modern-day equivalent of cults promoting castration and child sacrifice in the form of free vasectomies and abortion pills. Women got on stage and offered testimonies about the salvation abortion had afforded them. Many of the female congregants wore white, a symbol of purity of mind and heart.

Ms. Voshell points out that cults have appeared in history before. They usually run their course before the mountain of absurdities and conflicts with reality cause disciples to look elsewhere. She cites the flagellant cult of the middle ages, who went around flagellating themselves in imitation of Christ's scourging. But Christ did not scourge himself, and never demanded we scourge ourselves. I think an even better example are the Shakers, a cult who among other things practiced celibacy. You can imagine that few wanted to join, and having no children, they died out, leaving behind Shaker furniture.

The flagellants’ beliefs and motives, distorted as they have been, still represent a contrast to the political/religious procession at the beginning of the DNC, in which death was celebrated. Not only was the extinguishment of human life promoted, but the prevention of even the seed to fertilize the beginning of life was seen as a sacramental means of regeneration and vivification of the Self.
Such a distorted idea of human salvation and well-being is why the left celebrates what Rush Limbaugh truthfully named its “sacrament” of abortion. The abortion pill is a sacramental wafer offered by priests and priestesses devoted to death. It is the means through which budding life is flushed from the body in order for a woman’s life to be saved from an unfulfilled destiny. By taking and eating it, the body is rid of a toxic encumbrance.
The ritual promoting death is in direct contrast to the Christian sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, so recently mocked during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. For Christians, receiving the eucharistic wafer mysteriously but truly imparts the life of Christ to the recipient. It is taken in obedience to the words of Christ to his disciples recorded in Matthew 26. For the believing Christian, it gives renewed life.
What a contrast between the eucharistic wafer and the abortion pill that ensures death, not life.

I ask gentle readers to please read Fay Voshell's article. She asks rhetorically of her readers “Are those representatives at the convention the best lights the Democrat party has to offer? Is their advocacy of mutilation and death the way to personal and societal salvation?" But on a deeper level, if you are currently pregnant and thinking of abortion, you have already done something that will change your life. There is no turning back. You will if the pregancy goes to term experience the joy and sorrows of motherhood. But if you have that abortion, you will instead have the blood guilt on your concience for the rest of your life. Think about when you are 75, and still have that on your concience every day. Is it worth it?

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