Thursday, August 22, 2024

When People Believe the Ends Justify the Means

Is the Democrat party a political party or an organized crime cartel? That is the question Monica Showalter asks at the American Thinker today in a post entitled Just how dirty are the Democrats? Nicole Shanahah describes a long string of outrageous acts against the RFK, Jr campaign. In her statement she lays the blame squarely on her erstwhile allies, the Democrats, and totally exonerates the Republicans in the affair.

Now, RFK, Jr. may be a perfectly nice individual, and a gentleman.  And Nichole Shanahan may be incredibly naive; I don't know either of them. But they still hold to most of the Democrat agenda, which includes things like gun-grabbing and the "right" to abortion, the "right" to have others pay for your health care, etc. So, while I sympathize with Ms. Shanahan's feelings on the matter, I do not endorse the RFK, Jr. campaign. It would impose the same Leftist, Marxist government on the American people as the Kamala campaign.

Still, I urge you to watch Shanahan as she describes the various ways the Democrats underhandedly, and in some cases illegally, have worked to undermine the RFK, Jr. campaign. Which brings us back to Showalter's post:

Maybe the question should be raised about breaking up this lawless party given its lawless nature. At a minimum, Congress should hold hearings. And the Trump Republicans should welcome them into the fold the way big ships rescue lifeboats for this election. This is about saving democracy and a two-party system. With Democrats gone, in coming years, they can be the liberal party and the Trumpsters can be the conservative party, with honorable competition of ideas, not the dirty Democrat deeds we see now. This shouldn't be what politics in a free society is about.

I think it would be a very good idea to charge the Democrat party under RICO. It would be a very good idea to send some of its most egregious members to jail. It is what they themselves would do, given how afraid they are that the Republicans will do it. The punishments under a RICO conviction would be appropriate. But you cannot legislate morality, you can only legislate the punishments for breaking the law. As long as people do not trust the rest of us to come to correct conclusiions, as as long as they believe that the ends justify the means, the problem of political dirty tricks will be with us.

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