Wednesday, August 14, 2024

What You Are Aborting Is Not Your Body

 Just a quick note.  I have mentioned on several occasions that abortion is murder and thus I can not support it.  The child growing in the mother's womb is a separate human being, not the mother herself.  Thus the "my body, my choice" argument fails.  The Supreme Court in its Dobbs decision turned the question of the limits of abortions back to the states, which was a correct decision as far as it went.

But there is a deeper place to which the Court might have gone, and it is to look at our founding documents, specifically, the Declaration of Independence. Bill Guild at the American Thinker does exactly that in Abortion and the Constitution.

Let's go back to square one. In spite of any opinion one might hold, ours is a constitutional republic. So the laws that govern abortion must reflect our Constitution or be struck down. That's why the recent decision in Dobbs v. Jackson was so significant.
The Declaration of Independence states that:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
No one would deny that the Declaration represents the theoretical principles of our government, while the Constitution is the legal embodiment of those principles. In turn, it is the courts that ensure our laws reflect our founding principles.

Please read all of Guild's short post.

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