Friday, August 23, 2024

How Democrats Plan to Erode the Second Amendment

Over at Ammoland Lee Williams has a post telling us The Harris/Walz Game Plan for Attacking the Second Amendment. A lot of it is Unconstitutional, but as we have seen over and over, it takes years, even decades to get a grievance before the Supreme Court, and even then one is never sure what will happen. (And as a side note, how is it that Harris can get on the ballot in all fifty states, but Biden could not? Just wondering...)

If you’re planning tyranny, at least don’t put it in writing. That seems to be the guiding principle behind the Harris-Walz administration’s 2024 Democratic Party Platform. In terms of gun control, their once radical ideas are now missing or appear watered down.
The campaign finally released the platform Monday night, including its gun control plans called “Protecting Communities & Tackling the Scourge of Gun Violence.”
According to the platform, the Democrats want:
Universal background checks.
“Assault weapon” and standard-capacity magazine bans
Mandatory safe-storage laws
Repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Increased red-flag laws
Increased funding for the ATF
Increased funding for the FBI, to conduct more background checks
Increased funding for the CDC, “because the gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis.”
Most of these ideas are unconstitutional, and all have been floated before. They’re bad enough, but the real issue is what was not included in the platform, because if Harris and Walz told voters their true intent, they’d never get elected.

So, that is what they are telling us about. Harris has also said that if elected, and if Congress does not act, she is prepared to write executive orders putting some of these into "law." I put "law" in scare quotes because under our system of government, a president cannot make up his own "laws." Executive orders are meant to clarify how executive agencies will execute laws written by Congress only. But as we have seen, presidents now seem to feel that they can write their own laws whenever they can't get Congress to act on their desires as if they were Sovereign Kings. And as we have also seen, the Supreme Court is slow to act, and even then, presidents feel they can ignore the Court, again as if they were Sovereign Kings.

Another problem is the issuing of illegal orders to law enforcement agencies:

During the pandemic, Gov. Walz ordered police to keep Minnesotans indoors. If officers encountered folks outside their homes, either on their porch or in their yard, he ordered police to shoot them with paintballs. To be clear, if a civilian did the same, they would face aggravated battery charges. To no one’s surprise, some officers complied with Walz’s illegal order. This proves Walz has no compunction with ordering law enforcement to break the law and violate civil rights. If elected, the Harris-Walz administration will find a group of federal officers more than willing to carry out their illegal orders – the ATF. Like Walz, ATF agents have proven they do not care about civil rights or breaking state law. Expect a massive surge in unconstitutional “knock & talks” – home invasions conducted under the guise of what the ATF calls “consensual encounters.” Once unleashed, the ATF will target law-abiding gun owners and federally licensed gun dealers with a frequency and a ferocity never seen before.

I ask gentle readers to go read the whole article by Lee Williams and consider this: Have either candidate for president and vice president ever shown any respect for the Constitution and laws as written. As a prosecutor, Harris flaunted the law to achieve the results she wanted. This is not the job of a prosecutor. And she has continued this pattern throughout the various offices she has held. Neither she, nor Walz are fit for the office of president. Indeed, they are not fit for any office, not even dog catcher.

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