Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Evil of Abortion

 Today, at the American Thinker the Rev. Jim Harden has a post entitled Barbarism in America: The Harris-Walz Agenda. The Harris-Walz agenda should be angering and outraging every American. But the push to bring abortion back to the national stage should shock everyone with righteous anger.

The Supreme Court rightly turned the abortion question back to the states to decide individually. After all, there is no provision in the Federal Constitution for abortion. It simply is not one of the few things assigned to the Federal Government. But of course, that is not what Harden is concerned about.

No, What Harden is concerned about is the pagan and barbaric nature of abortion in general, and of so-called post birth abortion, or infanticide. In the Bible, one of the ancient gods, Moloch, whose images included a fiery belly into which people would throw their first-born children, in the hopes that Moloch would give them more children. But of course, what the King James calls "passing children through the fire" offended the Most High God beyond our understanding. So it was that when Ahaz, king of Judah passed his children through the fire, God brought disaster on Israel and Ahaz.

In a move that should outrage every American, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who is now Kamala Harris' running mate, recently signed into law the Pro Act, a bill that allows babies born alive to be left to die if the child survived an abortion attempt. This legislation, now law in Minnesota, represents a level of barbarism that should have no place in a civilized society.
Some will claim this is an overstatement. However, eight infants born alive have already been lost to post-birth abortion -- bald-faced infanticide.
This barbaric policy is a brutal reality where newborns, who survive attempted abortions. Abortion is unethical to start with as the purpose of medicine is to heal and maintain the health of the patient -- every ethical doctor knows a pregnant woman represents two patients. Abortion neither heals nor maintains the health of either patient, stopping the healthy function of the woman’s reproductive system and snatching life itself away from the baby.

One of the justifications pro-abortion Left uses is the "my body, my choice" argument. But this agrumemt is specious, at best. It is not just "her body." There is her body and the body of the person temporarily living inside her. We are, after all, mammals. Mammals carry their children to full term inside the mother's body. The term "foetus" is a medical term for a stage of development, not to imply that the child inside is not a child. And to dehumanize that child by calling it a "clump of cells" is...well let's call it what it's evil.

This clash of civilizations between the values of life and the barbarism of the Harris-Walz agenda is stark, to say the least. But do our elected representatives are under prepared to solve this massive issue. The Right only talks about abortion in terms of arbitrary gestational age restrictions, while the Left hammers the campaign trail with the rhetoric “You’ll lose your rights unless we have abortion on demand!” The Left knows that the fear of loss is more powerful than vain debates on when we should start protecting human beings -- which is how they keep winning elections.
The nation needs pro-life statesmen. These men and women need to understand that all people are equally valuable, from conception until natural death -- whether in an IVF clinic’s freezer, a woman’s womb, or on their deathbed -- deserving of blessing and protection. Then they must have the resolve to stand in front of the barbaric horde of radical pro-abortion extremists, exposing the evil of abortion, and say, “If you want to hurt those women and babies, you’re going to have to go through me.”

Please read the entire post.

Update:  Please also read the article at The Federalist entitled 'Pull Off a Leg or Two': Planned Parenthood Staff Discuss Havesting Baby Parts In Unsealed Footage, that is if your stomach can take it. This footage was siezed by Kamala Harris when she was AG of California and kept under wraps. And no wonder as it is damning stuff. But it fits with her and Walz's overall agenda.

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